Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5038: Pill of Heaven

Xiao Yu followed Gongsun Jin to the pavilion on the top of Pill Alchemy Peak.

Here, there are flying clouds and flowing springs, full of smoke, and birds crisscrossing, like a fairyland on earth.

Among the pavilions.

Gongsun Jin had been staring at Xiao Yu for several minutes.

Xiao Yu took a sip of tea and suddenly smiled bitterly: "Okay, Elder Gongsun, I'll blush again when I look at it."

Gongsun Jin said solemnly: "I have to see if you have eaten some elixir, the alchemy technique is so powerful."

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes. In fact, this was not because of his great alchemy techniques. These were all the credit of Mo Suhe.

As a rare poison master in the spirit realm, Mo Suhe knew too much elixir.

To some extent, Gongsun Jin is inferior to Xiao Yu.

And Xiao Yu could "fantasy" refining poison within Mo Suhe's soul, and even if he switched away, it was tantamount to alchemy.

Soul "Alchemy"!

Although there is no real thing, it is like a real thing.

This kind of ability, if it is known to the outside world, it would definitely shock Nine Heavens World!

However, Gongsun Jin also knew that Xiao Yu's soul was extraordinary, otherwise he would not be able to withstand high-intensity soul cultivation when he was a pill-refining boy.

You know, Xiao Yu was almost lost in spirit at the time.

"It's no wonder that Tutsi has always wanted to dig you over." Gongsun Jin nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Xiao Yu said with a smile but a smile: "Elder Gongsun, you seem to have forgotten one thing!"

Gongsun Jin pretended to be stupid: "What did you forget?"

"I seem to remember what you said just now, if there is a kind of pill that you don't know, then the pill pavilion's spirit pill will be my choice."

"Yes, yes, I said so, but the problem is that I know all the alchemy." Gongsun Jin said proudly.


Xiao Yu took out the rice paper he had written just now, and asked with a smile: "Then tell me, my last kind of pill, why should I add Quexingcao, and what is the role of Luqin?"

"The role of Quexingcao is naturally to neutralize the violent attributes of Jinluan carving blood during the tempering process in the entire pill recipe. As for Luqin..."

Gongsun Jin frowned, he hesitated and said, "Its role should be to provide water attribute energy to prevent the bursting of pills?"

After speaking, Gongsun Jin raised his brow, as if watching Xiao Yu's reaction.


Xiao Yu laughed and said, "The effect of Luqin is to increase the toughness of the pill skin, because during the refining process of this pill, seven out of ten have exploded without adding Luqin."

When Gong Sun Jin heard this, he was suddenly stunned. The expression in his eyes when he saw Xiao Yu changed again.

This pill requires more than a dozen elixir. The more complex the elixir combination, the higher the efficacy and the higher the grade of the elixir that is usually refined.

He didn't expect Xiao Yu to know so much.

"This is a long-lost five-stripe Heavenly Spirit Pill." Gongsun Jin took a deep breath and stared at Xiao Yu.

It seems that his tricks of pretending to be crazy and selling stupid are not important, because for an alchemist, the pill is more important than his own life to some extent.

Xiao Yu nodded without the controller and said, "Yes."

Gongsun Jin shook his head slightly, and said, "If this pill is spread, it will be able to replace the middle-grade magic weapon."

Xiao Yu certainly understood the importance of the pill, but he did not expect that he still contained such a big guarantee.

"The Elder Gongsun promised my spirit pill..." Xiao Yu smiled.

Gongsun Jin waved his hand and said, "Am I like a dishonest person? These are all trivial matters. I have something to tell you."

Xiao Yu was surprised.


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