Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5048: Phantom Island

After logging into the island, Xiao Yu exclaimed.

The whole island is filled with a kind of fairy air, giving people a sense of truth and truth in it.

Although the heaven and earth aura here is still very thin, but because of the existence of a certain formation, the entire soul is shrouded in a clear spirit, maintaining a state of spirit at all times.

The islands are full of greenery, jungles, flowers, and birds and beasts.

These birds and beasts are mostly lower-ranked monsters, and many of them are upper-ranked monsters. Everyone even saw several of them!

Of course, these are all spirit beasts.

Spirit beasts and humans are friends, but being able to tame so many spirit beasts is also a huge handwork.

Of course, in addition to grass and flowers, birds and beasts, there are also many pavilions, just like a huge small village.

Traffic on the rice paddies, yellow hair hanging down, happy.

"It's not an exaggeration to call Peach Blossom Island here." Ling Qing exclaimed.

Xiao Yu also nodded slightly, and said in his heart: "I am afraid that only an existence like Fu Shu's status and respect can have such a huge place as a private place."

Even this island is called the Phantom Island, it is conceivable that this is the center of the highest status of the Phantom Continent!

Soon the servants of Phantom Island led everyone to their residence.

Xiao Yu and his party were also arranged in a small attic because they represented Cangling Academy.

After the three of Xiao Yu and the others moved in, Gongsun Jin greeted him alone and went to find an old friend.

And Xiao Yu and the three of them were also strolling around this ghost island.

What I have to say is that the Phantom Island is really too big. After three hours of wandering, there are still pavilions and people everywhere.

"Unexpectedly, there were so many people here." Xiao Yu exclaimed.

Along the way, he unexpectedly discovered that hundreds of people had arrived on the Phantom Island!

Of course, most of the people walking around on the island are Earth Spirit Alchemy Masters. You don't need to think about it, these people are the students or disciples of these Heavenly Spirit Alchemy Masters.

Like Xiao Yu and the others, the old alchemists who are lucky enough to participate will bring some outstanding disciples or students of their own to exchange and study.

Even if you don't get anything, it's okay to see the demeanor of so many genius alchemists, you will surely motivate yourself to a certain extent when you go back.

"Yes, we have arrived two days late. I heard from Elder Gongsun that hundreds of Celestial Spirit alchemists arrive on the Magical Island every year, which is basically equivalent to most of the alchemy world in the Nine Heavens World." Ling Qing Also exclaimed.

He did not come last year, so this is the first time he came.

Xiao Yu nodded slightly, becoming more curious about this Fu Shu in his heart.

This is just an exchange meeting!

It is not an alchemy meeting.

"This exchange meeting is almost comparable to the best alchemy conferences in the Nine Heavens World." Duan Mu Shilan's eyes glowed with divine light.

Here, pavilions, birds and beasts, and all kinds of strange elixir are planted everywhere, which is pleasing to the eye.

It's just that no one picks these elixir, and no one dares to pick it. After all, everyone cherishes their lives. Isn't picking the same as stealing?

Who has the courage to pick elixir at the door of the world's top **** alchemist's house?

"There are really few spiritual power cultivators here," Xiao Yu secretly said in his heart.

However, he found that a place similar to a small yard not far in front was crowded with many people.

"It's so lively there! Let's go and have a look." Duan Mu Shilan took Xiao Yu and ran forward.


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