Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5053: I want you to go!

Hua Junhui's eyes flickered uncertainly.

Unexpectedly, this kid would not take them Shennong Temple so seriously.

How Xiao Yu couldn't feel it, Hua Junhui showed a look of contempt when he came up, even after he knew the rareness of his pill, he also took out the Shennong Palace to suppress him.

This domineering attitude made Xiao Yu sneer.

Isn’t your Shennong Temple famous for its spirit pills?

But I am not rare.

"You want the method of soul cultivation?" Hua Lingshan said while staring at Xiao Yu, her beautiful eyes slightly calming.

She is icy and smart. Since this person took out such a precious pill, he naturally didn't care about the pill.

And for the alchemist, the spirit pill has no effect at all.

Alchemists do not rely on spirit pills to improve their strength.

Moreover, powerful alchemists have major forces to draw in, bodyguards, guards, and strong followers.

To say that the only thing missing is the profound method of soul cultivation.

Xiao Yu just wanted to answer, but who knows, Hua Junhui sneered and said: "Our Shennong Temple has many methods for soul cultivation, but at your age, I will give you a profound soul cultivation. Fa, I'm afraid you can't control it."

As soon as he said this, Xiao Yu's face became calm.

Ling Qing frowned, this guy was obviously looking down on people.

"You don't look down on people here! Xiao..." Duan Mu Shilan was overwhelmed.

In her heart, Xiao Yu was unmatched. Although Xiao Yu's soul realm was not as good as her own, no one in the room was necessarily Xiao Yu's opponent in certain alchemy techniques.

Xiao Yu stopped Duanmu Shilan and said with a smile: "Shilan, why do you have a general knowledge of him."

Hua Junhui said indifferently: "Let's talk about it, what kind of soul cultivation method do you want?"

Everyone looked at Xiao Yu.

The Second Young Master of the Hua Family of Shennong Palace has offered the conditions, and they are afraid that there will be no chance, and they are all a little lost at once.

Xiao Yu slowly said: "I want..."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu's eyes widened, a kind of terrifying fluctuation, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, was impacting.

"I want you to go!"

Hua Junhui's pupils shrank, as if he was hit by a hurricane, he was directly knocked out, hitting a dozen tumblings on the ground, dragging it out for tens of meters before stopping.

Hua Lingshan's pretty face changed, and even she did not react, Hua Junhui was knocked out.

All the people present were discolored, and they seemed to have no idea what happened just now.

Hua Junhui was embarrassed. He was just a pure alchemist and didn't have any cultivation skills. Many scars were erased from his face.

He immediately got up, furious: "Boy, how dare you..."

Xiao Yu said indifferently, "Dogs must bark. If you can kill people here, you would have shut up."

Although this statement is indifferent, it contains a certain chill in it, which makes people shudder.

Hua Lingshan's eyes were cold, and she stared at Xiao Yu and said, "This friend is too much. My second brother did not offend you."

Hua Lingshan is still reasonable.

Although Xiao Yu had a low level of alchemy cultivation, he was able to produce this kind of alchemy, either he had a big background, or he had some adventures.

If it is the former, although Shennongdian is not afraid, but also does not want to cause trouble, after all, this is not their place.

But if it is the latter, this person may be a desperado, and it is even more unwise to fight against it.

"I'm not interested in some people who look down upon others." Xiao Yu glanced at Hua Lingshan lightly.

Hua Lingshan's face was frosty, she went straight to help Hua Junhui, looked at Xiao Yu with indifferent eyes, and left.

"Boy, wait for me!" Hua Junhui gritted his teeth and shouted.

Soon, the venue returned to lively.

Xiao Yu said, "You can take out any weird things you have."


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