Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5058: Revenge is coming

Cen Xing stepped forward, staring at Xiao Yu with bitter eyes.

When Xiao Yu was selling the pills that day, actually Cen Xing was also with the thin young man in the distance.

After seeing Xiao Yu, Cen Xing was already thinking of revenge.

If it hadn't been for the main island of Peach Blossom Island that couldn't fight, he would have taken action long ago.

After all, after being slapped that day, it was a shame in his life, and he always wanted to find a way to get it back.

So he has been sending people to pay attention to Xiao Yu's movements these days.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu actually came here on Xiangling Island, so he just made plans.

Then he knew that Lu Shan was very interested in this medicine, so the three of them united.

Although Li Cuiyun is a young girl, but there is a kind of stubbornness in it. She scolded: "What are you doing, are you playing sneak attacks? If I can't go back, my teacher will definitely ask you to settle the account."

Duanmu Shilan gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, we are from Cangling Academy. If you dare to kill people here, Senior Fu will not let you go!"

"Haha," Cen Xing snorted and said, "Within a radius of a thousand miles, there are no less than dozens of islands like this one. We will kill you at that time and throw them into the lake. Who knows we did it?"

The two women looked pale when they heard it.

They are all small flowers in the greenhouse. They are devoted to alchemy. Maybe they will never see the battle of the strong in their lives. Have they ever experienced this?

"Boy, you are just such a fool, want two women to stand up for you? Where has your power and prestige gone that day?" Cen Xing stared at Xiao Yu again and said with a sneer.

Both women looked at Xiao Yu, especially Duan Mu Shilan, with a look of desire in their eyes.

Xiao Yu is her greatest spiritual support. Without Xiao Yu, she would not have persisted, nor would she have more enthusiasm for alchemy.

It was Xiao Yu who had saved her entire family, so she believed in Xiao Yu 100%.

Xiao Yu said indifferently, "Cen Xing, Cen Xing, if I hadn't been for Senior Fu's sake that day, you would have already died. I didn't expect you to have two backs."

Cen Xing's expression sank. He is a dignified Huayu realm cultivation base, and he is also a double cultivation. Such a talent is outstanding among countless young generations. The gesture of contempt by the other party opened his mouth and let him kill him.

Lu Shan's eyes were also cold, and said: "Boy, don't say anything so early, as long as you hand over the pill, we will not embarrass you."

In fact, Lu Shan only needed medicine, and he didn't care about the personal grievances between Cen Xing and Xiao Yu.

Of course, he didn't mind killing people here, because Xiao Yu's words really offended him.

I think his majestic Heavenly Spirit Array Mage can already condense the 7-Rank Array, and the He Dao Realm can control life and death at will, even in the Huayu Realm, he can fight it, let alone this hairy boy?

In his opinion, this arrogant fellow will not exceed Huayu Realm at best.

"Sky Spirit Array Mage? You can at most condense the seventh-rank formation." Xiao Yu glanced lightly, his eyes light.

The formation master is somewhat different from the alchemist and the refiner.

The one who can condense the sixth rank formation is already regarded as the heavenly spirit formation mage.

But you must know that even if it is a seventh-rank formation, its span is very large.

Some ordinary 7-Rank formations can kill Hedao Realm and Huayu Realm at will, but if you want to kill Yuan Soul Realm, or the general existence of the Tibetan Dao realm, I am afraid that you need a moderate 7-Rank Array.

In other words, the strength of the Heavenly Spirit Array Mage is very different. There are strong and weak, to a certain extent, it is a lot of water.

Obviously, Xiao Yu's words meant that he despised Lu Shan.

Lu Shan's face suddenly sank.

With the joint efforts of Cen Xing and Lu Shan, there is no doubt that the Huayu Realm will die. How could this young man look down upon him so much?

"Hehe, boy, are you arrogant? I don't know if you can block my punch?" The thin young man sneered with a scarlet flash in his eyes.

"Monster Beast Bloodline?" Xiao Yu glanced at it, slightly surprised.


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