Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5065: One World War Two

Yuan Ba ​​had endured for a long time, but he saw him hit him with a punch. Although he didn't have the blood power to spur the monster beast, it also contained a kind of extremely terrifying wild physical power in it.

This Yuan Ba ​​was even stronger by three points than Yuan Xian, and his casual punch would avoid his edge in the Huayu Realm.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Yuan Ba's fist strike like a tiger.

"Yuan Ba's physical body is extremely powerful in his area."

"Yes, when he heard that he burst out with all his strength, he can compete with the Quasi-Essence Soul Realm."

Everyone took a breath.

Yuan Ba ​​was not invited here as an alchemist, but was enshrined by his family to participate in the excitement.

And in this exchange meeting, there are very few powerhouses like this.

Therefore, Yuan Ba ​​still has some reputation among the crowd.

Yuan Ba's punch was obviously a gesture that underestimated Xiao Yu in it.

After all, Xiao Yu's aura seemed looming all over his body, and he was handsome and unrestrained, and it was easy to give people a little white face.

But everyone in the room was wrong.

Xiao Yu slapped it out with a palm of his hand. With a loud "bang", Yuan Ba ​​turned into an afterimage and flew out and fell directly into the pool on the yard.

The whole audience was startled in amazement.

What happened just now?

Looking at Xiao Yu again, it seemed that he didn't do anything, just slapped his hand, and Yuan Ba ​​abandoned it! ?

Yuan Ba ​​immediately stood up in the pool, his face was not angry, but became excited.

"Hahaha! Good good! Kid, no wonder you can kill my son!"

Yuan Ba ​​laughed, and then his figure jumped out of the pool, ignoring the clothes that were completely soaked.

However, many people found that Yuan Ba's eyes became unusually red.

Although Yuan Ba ​​was excited on the surface, the furious warfare in his blood was gradually aroused.

Xiao Yu's face was indifferent. This person's physical body was indeed much stronger than Yuan Xian's, and his casual palm didn't use all his strength just now, it was just a kind of knocking on the mountain.

"Do you want to come?" Xiao Yu said lightly.

"Hahaha! Boy, you do have crazy capital, but this is not your reason for killing!"

Yuan Ba ​​was very angry and laughed, his figure rushed over again, his fist style was three points more violent than before.

Xiao Yu slapped again. This time Yuan Ba ​​slapped Xiao Yu firmly, half of his face was smashed, and he hit the wall outside the courtyard with a "bang".

At this moment, those onlookers became quiet.

The physical strength of this kid is simply too terrifying!

Xiao Yu just stood still, but the two palms of his hand actually contained some terrifying power in it.

No one knows how powerful Yuan Ba's physical body is, and he also possesses the blood of a monster beast, but it was such a fiasco.

Of course, all this is just the beginning.

Xiao Yu glanced at Ge Xingyi and Cen Wan lightly, and said, "If you want to catch me back, it depends on whether you have this power."

Ge Xingyi's face is very ugly, here his power and position are the most powerful, this son is simply humiliating their magical island!

Finally, Ge Xing took a step forward, his eyes fixed on Xiao Yu.

"As you wish, I will catch you back with my own hands."

Everyone was shocked, Ge Xingyi was about to make a move!

The team behind him was also ready to move, but Ge Xingyi stared at Xiao Yu and said, "Stay behind you, a arrogant man. I want to see how he dares to go wild on our Phantom Island!"

Ge Xingyi's momentum suddenly rose.

Peak of Huayu Realm.

In an instant, the two approached again.


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