Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5069: Guanshi Yan

"Isn't what I said clearly enough?" Guan Shi stared at Cen Wan with a kind of majesty in his eyes.

Although Guan Shi Yan is in charge, no one dares to refute his words.

Especially, who doesn't know who Guanshi Yan is?

That is a pivotal figure in the entire Phantom Island!

It was the head of the family, or the respected Tianling alchemist who saw Guanshi Yan respectfully.

Although Guanshi Yan is not very old, and even has much lower qualifications than some veteran alchemists, he has such an identity and ability.

But Cenwan quit.

With his flushed face, it is impossible to accept such a result.

Today, he came to Shang Ge Xingyi and asked Sin Xiao Yu, how did he think of such a result?

"Steward Yan!! I don't accept it!!" Cen Wan finally broke out and said angrily.

"This kid killed my grandson, Yuan Pa, Yuan Family Patriarch, Yuan Xian, Lu Shan, etc. were all killed by him. Even your guard Captain Ge was injured by him. Why not punish him?" Cen Wanji Yu said frantically.

Isn't this the same as Guanshi Yan sheltering this kid?

Cen Xing was killed as Cen Wan and the Cen family, no matter what, he must give a fair.

Guan Shi Yan's eyes drenched, as he was about to speak, suddenly a powerful voice sounded.

"Cen Wan, forget about it."

I saw three figures approaching, headed by an old man, behind him was a young man and a woman.

The man and the woman were Hua Junhui and Hua Lingshan.

"Second elder of Shennong Temple, Hua Ling!" Someone exclaimed, and suddenly his color changed slightly.

The old man's eyes were cold, his eyes seemed calm, but he gave a deep and serene posture inside.

He looks fifty or sixty years old, but he is full of energy, and he looks like a tall pine tree.

Shennong Palace is the Nine Heavens World Pill Refining Domain, and it is also a great power. The Hua family's reputation is outside and resounds throughout the Nine Heavens World. When Hua Ling appeared, Guan Shi Yan's expression was a little relieved.

"Elder Hua is here unexpectedly." Someone murmured.

Highly respected elders like the two elders of Hua have long been hiding in specially arranged buildings with some old alchemists to discuss alchemy.

Just like Gongsun Jin, he never showed up after arriving at the Magic Island.

Because like-minded people discuss these alchemy techniques, it can be to the point of forgetting sleep and food.

Hua Junhui stared at Xiao Yu with a certain unkind expression in his eyes.

He remembered the scene that day, but it was Hua Ling who was in charge today, and he didn't have much to say.

"Ling Lao." Cen Wan was surprised and respectful.

Hualing's position in the alchemy world is extremely high.

Although the one who came today is not the great elder of the Hua family, the weight is strong enough.

Although their Cen family is strong, they still flatter and flatter Shennong Temple.

I am afraid that the entire Phantom Island can make him willing to restrain his anger, except for the master of the Phantom Island, Fu Shu, the two elders of Hua are one.

Therefore, as soon as Hua Ling spoke, Cen Wan's anger immediately reduced most of it.

But in his heart he was surprised, why Hua Ling let himself leave this thing alone.

Xiao Yu looked at Hua Ling, and his heart moved. This person was the cultivation base of a Celestial Alchemist, but he had a vague feeling in his soul realm.

In Xiao Yu's view, this should be a symbol of half-footed into the spirit realm, which is already powerful enough.

What else did Cen Wan want to say, Hua Ling glanced at Cen Wan lightly, and said: "Cen Wan, some things will pass in the past. If you say more, it will hurt your peace."

Cen stubbornly moved, his whole person seemed to be shrouded in energy, and he calmed down in an instant.

He finally understood what Hua Ling said.

Cen Wan glanced at Xiao Yu deeply, the killing intent in his eyes flashed away.

When Hua Ling was leaving, he looked at Xiao Yu more and said with a smile: "That's a good kid, you deserve to be Gongsun Jin's student."

As soon as this remark came out, many people exclaimed.

"Gongsun Jin? Is he a student of Gongsun Jin?"


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