Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5077: Means nothing

I saw Fu Shu flipped through it, and then a jade box appeared, and there was naturally a spiritual pill in the jade box.

"This spirit pill rank has only one sky spirit pill."

A pattern of Heavenly Spirit Pill, even if it was Jia Qi, Hua Lingshan and Hua Junhui who were present, it was handy to refine it.

Of course, it will take a certain amount of time to refine the two patterns, or even the three patterns of the Heavenly Spirit Pill, because the cultivation levels of the three are not very different.

As soon as this Tian Ling Pill appeared, many younger generations were suddenly disappointed.

After all, it was just a small topic and took out a Celestial Pill!

Among the younger generation present, there are no more than five people who can reach the cultivation base of a Tianling Alchemist at a young age.

In other words, Fu Shu's spirit pill has already eliminated many people. Does this still need to "play" games?

Jing Yong frowned and said, "Master Fu will definitely not exclude so many people. There must be some mystery."

If this is the case, then his two apprentices would have no chance.

Although his two apprentices are also close to the cultivation realm of the Tianling Alchemist.

Gongsun Jin looked very interested.

However, Fu Shu smiled meaningfully: "Let's listen to my explanation first. Although this is a heavenly spirit pill, the subject that I have developed, strictly speaking, does not have much to do with the current realm."

This remark made many people's eyes lit up and they were listening attentively.

Fu Shu explained: "My one-stripe Sky Spirit Pill, named Fuling Pill, is a kind of spirit pill that restores strength, and I have to go through three rounds of this topic."

"The first round is very simple. I will give you three options. You can use your perception of this spirit pill to see how many kinds of elixir there are in this spirit pill. You don't need to be specific, you just need a rough idea.

Immediately afterwards, Guanshi Yan took the pill and put it on the table, saying: "1, nine to twelve types; 2, 13 to 17 types; 3, 18 to 23 types. ."

"Hey, isn't there any difficulty in this first argument?"

"Yes, even though it is a celestial spirit pill, it does not test the alchemy realm and cultivation level. It tests not only the knowledge of the elixir, but also the profound talent of the soul."

Soon, many people were eager to try, and they leaned forward.

Almost all the people of the younger generation stepped forward to feel it, and then one after another chose their own answers on paper and held them in their hands.

But Xiao Yu alone did not go before.

"Why don't you go?" Gongsun Jin asked curiously.

"The first round, it seems...not interesting." Xiao Yu scratched his head and said.

He didn't control his voice, and the people next to him heard him, and they laughed again and again.

"The arrogant person, although the first round is just guessing how many kinds of elixir are composed, it also requires a certain level of cultivation as the foundation. You are a spiritual realm, and you dare to speak out here." One person sneered.

Tang Lu also sneered, but looked at Gongsun Jin with a pitiful look, as if saying, this is what you call a BMW?

Fu Shu was looking at Xiao Yu with interest, and he was a little strange. Does this kid really have any special abilities?

Gongsun Jin snorted with a smile: "Don't pretend, just give it to me, or I will let Zhang Cheng not let you out."

Xiao Yu was helpless, he did not step over, but directly wrote a number on the paper. This scene also surprised Fu Shu.

Many people are observing, perceiving, and it takes half a minute for the powerful, but he didn't even look at it?

Of course, Xiao Yu didn't take a look, but he felt it the moment he took it out of Fu Shu.

Soon, everyone wrote their own figures.


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