Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5088: The last one to melt

In fact, when Xiao Yu got this topic, he was quite expecting it.

After all, this is also a new attempt for him.

If you want to refine the Heavenly Spirit Pill, you naturally need the soul cultivation of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

But to separate the Heavenly Spirit Pill, it does not necessarily require the cultivation of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

But there is no doubt that the higher the soul realm, it is of great benefit to do anything.

In fact, the eighteen main medicines and six auxiliary medicines of this Tian Ling Pill had all been practiced in Xiao Yu's mind.

And he also refined it out of thin air, even though it was a very crude alchemy, and it didn't even need a powerful soul realm.

But if the elixir of separation is an actual operation, it is to use real soul power.

Soon, Xiao Yu sat cross-legged, and began to introvert.

The peach-white flame was slowly burning under the furnace.

On the one hand, Xiao Yu's soul power controlled this incomplete burning fire, on the other hand, his other soul power was in the furnace.

Under the burning of all kinds of flames, after about ten minutes, some of the fragrance in the pot of someone soon began to float.

This is a sign that the elixir melted and turned into elixir.

Undoubtedly, it was Jia Qi, Hua Junhui and Hua Lingshan who first melted the Ling Pill Baik into Ling Ye.

However, the melting time of the spirit pill in Xiao Yu's furnace cauldron was the slowest, and it took almost an hour.

Duanmu Shilan's speed is faster than Xiao Yu.

"Hehe, this kid, it takes so long to melt the elixir, not to mention separating the elixir in the elixir."

"Yes! He is sure to fail."

Those alchemists cast mocking expressions one after another.

The realm of the soul is too low, and the control of the flame is naturally not as skilled as the high-level soul realm.

Correspondingly, the control of large or small flames cannot reach the point where one wants, and the speed naturally slows down.

But Fu Shu didn't think so. His interest in Xiao Yu was much greater than the others combined.

"His flame seems to be the weakest among the eight, but the energy contained in it is the most massive. Although the aura of this burning fire is not strong, it is always burning."

The biggest difference between burning fire and ordinary flames is that the energy of burning fire is unmatched.

That is the flame that can burn the heavens and the earth. It is a god, and it contains the great avenue of heaven and earth inside. How can you underestimate it?

In his opinion, although Xiao Yu's melting speed was a little slower, Fu Shu could feel that this quietly burning peach-white flame gave him a palpitation invisibly.

"It's finally melted." Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief, slightly sweaty on his forehead.

To be honest, such a consumption is indeed a challenge for Xiao Yu.

In the end, Taolian's core is not complete, and his soul realm has remained at this level for a long time.

And what he had to face was a spirit pill that exceeded his soul realm a lot.

"Next is more fun."

But because of this, the excitement in Xiao Yu's heart was even more disturbed.

In his opinion, this is also equivalent to giving him a chance to learn!

The power of his soul seems to be peeling off the cocoon, and Pao Ding Jie Ni is generally separating the spirit of this spirit pill.

Although his speed was not fast, he separated one kind of spiritual liquid after another and suspended in the furnace.

A full day has passed.


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