Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5090: More than half an hour

"Senior Fu, we can't keep waiting like this? There must be a time limit."

Some people who tried to curry to Tang Lu also echoed in a low voice: "Yes, this kid is so slow to separate the spirit pill, and I don't know when it will be separated."

"And his second round of elixir seems to be relatively small, which makes it more difficult."

Cen Wan and Jing Yong sneered, but did not answer.

Hua Ling was silent.

Gongsun Jin had a look of disdain in his eyes.

If their disciples or students were the last to make alchemy, no one would object to it at all.

Now I just saw Xiao Yu being bullied.

In fact, Fu Shu has been paying attention to Xiao Yu since the first round.

But his little topic was not born for Xiao Yu, but to select even better alchemy geniuses.

In this way, it seems a bit partial.

Although Xiao Yu's certain insights about spirit medicine and the flame sacrifices made him shocked one after another, but after all, most of the famous alchemists in the alchemy world came here.

In any case, he has to take care of the overall situation.

In the case of Xiangling Island before, someone secretly suspected that Fu Shu was partial to Xiao Yu.

Suddenly, at this moment, a voice rang in Fu Shu's mind.

"Senior Fu, just give me half an hour."

Fu Shu narrowed his eyes and stared at Xiao Yu.

This voice came from Xiao Yu.

What surprised him was that this kid was able to separate his mind to communicate with his soul, which was really strange.

"After all, he is to separate the two more spiritual liquids and give him more time. Let's do that, in another half an hour, if it is not separated after half an hour, it will be over." Fu Shu said to everyone.

Everyone nodded slightly, agreeing by default.

After all, Fu Shu is the owner of the Illusion Island, and he convinced everyone with a word.

However, most people believed that although Xiao Yu was more difficult to separate than everyone else, even if he was given twice the time, he might not be able to separate completely.

And also consider the purity of the separation.

This approach may be the best and most compromised.

It took another half an hour, don't look at it for only half an hour, but many people have shown a kind of indifferent and numb look at Xiao Yu's eyes.

That's because, in the ten thousand steps, in their opinion, even if Xiao Yu could really separate the elixir in his mouth, he probably lost it. After all, it took so long.

What's more, in their opinion, Xiao Yu was able to separate several elixir, which was enough to make people laugh.


Finally, Xiao Yu opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

But many people have begun to not expect it.

To be honest, with Xiao Yu's current soul realm, it is indeed very difficult to separate the spiritual fluid, his face is already a little pale, and there is a lot of sweat on his forehead.

The consumption of the power of the soul is different from the consumption of the body.

Physical consumption can be replenished through recovery from meditation.

But the power of the soul, that is the consumption of the spirit and energy, relatively speaking, it takes a while to recover.

When everyone saw Xiao Yu's state, they sneered even more.

"Brother Xiao Yu, are you okay?" Duan Mu Shilan asked through Voice Transmission.

Xiao Yu smiled, shook his head, and said, "It's okay."

No one noticed that in the depths of Xiao Yu's eyes, there seemed to be an extremely excited light gleaming.

"Huh! The grandstanding guy is just struggling." Jing Yong sneered.

Hua Ling, Tang Lu, Cen Wan and others are also not optimistic about Xiao Yu, and their eyes are more on Hua Junhui, Hua Lingshan, and Jia Qi.

Only they are the focus of the audience.

"Now, show your results one by one." Guanshi Yan ordered.


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