Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5092: Boycott

Tang Lu was stunned.

In any case, he couldn't imagine that Xiao Yu had separated such a pure spiritual liquid!

What kind of powerful soul control is needed!

Gongsun Jin narrowed his eyes with satisfaction.

"This kid, are you going to start his performance?"

Fu Shu's eyes were full of admiration.

An earth spirit alchemist can achieve this level, to be honest, it is beyond his expectation.

The faces of Hua Ling and Cen Wan seemed a little ugly.

In terms of purity, Hua Junhui and Hua Lingshan's brothers and sisters are not as good as Xiao Yu, half way behind.

In other words, if time is not counted, Xiao Yu obviously has a clear advantage.

Especially, he was just an earth spirit alchemist.

Jia Qi's eyes, who had been confident and slow, gradually became cold.

Although his mouth didn't mock Xiao Yu too much, he looked down on this alchemist from Cangling Academy in his heart.

And because of Gongsun Jin, Jia Qi wanted to find a greater sense of superiority in Xiao Yu's body, which put Gongsun Jin and the entire Cangling Academy to shame.

However, Jing Yong seemed to have discovered something and immediately shouted: "No, the main medicine and auxiliary medicine he separated are not the ones he himself said!"

When Jing Yong said so, everyone reacted.

The amount of spiritual liquid that Xiao Yu separated was the largest, which meant that it was the easiest to separate.

But the requirement for the third round is to refine your answer in the second round!

Isn't this just some opportunism?

Cen Wan's face returned to his sneer, but he didn't expect this kid to have played a game of speculation. Does he want to pass the test?

Hua Ling's face, which was also a little nervous, returned to a calm look.

It is impossible to hide from the sky and cross the sea.

Soon, many people began to object.

"Yes, he violated the rules."

"Guixianhuan and Tianhaishi in the main medicine have not been separated."

"There is also an adjuvant, blood poisoning rose, which has not been isolated."

Everyone immediately began to be outraged, Qi Qi began to scream.

After all, Xiao Yu's soul realm was lower than most of the younger generation alchemists present.

After all, whoever alchemist does not want to bring the most talented alchemy children under his own or his family for the people who come to communicate with the ghost island?

Therefore, seeing that Xiao Yu's realm was lower than theirs, and they were able to separate out such a pure spiritual fluid, they suddenly became jealous.

Fu Shu carried his hands on his back, his face was indifferent, as if he didn't pay attention to the voices of these people at all.

Obviously, even veteran alchemists such as Hua Ling knew that Xiao Yu would undoubtedly win if there were no restrictions on the second round.

With such a low soul realm, such a pure spirit can be separated out, and he still uses the furnace!

These soul talents are enough to overwhelm the so-called soul geniuses of the younger generation.

Hua Ling, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, saying: "Senior Fu, since it is a game, then you have to abide by the rules of the game. It is true that Senior Fu’s experience in alchemy is highly respected even by my ancestors. What the younger generation gets, it is very beneficial."

"This little brother has a good talent, but the most important thing for a alchemist is to train his mind. Doesn't this result give people a suspicion of grandstanding?"

Hua Ling deserves to be one of the best alchemists in Shennong Temple.

He doesn't deny that Xiao Yu's talent is powerful, and there is a kind of selfless attitude in his words to seek a fair and just result for everyone.

But the implication was that Xiao Yu was sensationalizing in the second commentary and had no credibility.

The elixir that was said was not completely separated and refined.

Moreover, the spearhead was a bit pointed at the rules of the game for Fu Shu's questions, obviously a bit angry and offensive.

But Fu Shu didn't care at all, he smiled faintly: "I understand your mood, boy, stop playing."

Holding tight, Fu Shu looked at Xiao Yu with a certain splendor.

The latter shrugged, and then, an unforgettable scene for everyone appeared.


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