Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5095: Spiritual Alchemist!

Tang Lu had a sneer in his eyes.

Mu Zi'an's alchemy cultivation base can be ranked in the top five in the world of nine days.

Among the people present, only the one from Shennong Temple could compare with Mu Zi'an.

His fame has been heard throughout the five major temples a few years ago, including all major planes and family forces.

Therefore, today, a few years later, everyone knows that with Mu Zi'an's ability, it is absolutely impossible to stay in Yunsheng Academy forever.

Even if Tang Lu's alchemy cultivation base was ranked among the people present, it would definitely not keep Mu Zi'an.

Mu Zi'an is also just a stepping stone when Yunsheng Academy is a stepping stone.

Therefore, many aristocratic families are already ready to move, and are ready to recruit Mu Zi'an.

For such a genius, only under the great power of an alchemist with a spiritual realm, can he attract Mu Zi'an.

"Mu Zi'an's talent, you and I all know, in at most three years, he will go to a higher stage, and even worship under a spiritual realm to study, what are you?"

Immediately sneered and glanced at Xiao Yu.

The talent of the latter is indeed terrible, but it does not mean anything.

Separation of elixir is not alchemy.

The real power of an alchemist is the technique of alchemy!

Xiao Yu's kind just meant that he was great in some aspects.

Therefore, for the existence of Hualing and Tang Lu, Xiao Yu was nothing more than amazed at them.

Their faces are not good-looking, and part of the bigger reason is that Xiao Yu actually defeated the children and students of their family, which they couldn't accept.

But when they think of the realm, they are relieved a lot.

"Hehe, why should I? Just rely on me!"

After all, a scene that shocked the audience again appeared.

I saw that Gongsun Jin's eyes were like gods, shining with a sacred brilliance, his whole person's breath was like a misty fairy, an astonishing soul fluctuation, as if from a long time ago, began to envelope the entire Phantom Island.

That kind of sacred posture caused the souls of the people present to appear a kind of pure spirit filling.

It was Xiao Yu who felt that the chaos in his soul seemed to clear up a lot.

"Divine Spirit Realm!" a veteran Tianling alchemist exclaimed.

"What!?" Even Hua Ling's long-lost mood was tumbling.

Divine Spirit Realm, Nine Heavens World will not exceed the number of a finger!

He turned out to be the Spirit Realm!

"Impossible, how could he..." Jing Yong's face was pale.

He had always been worried about losing to Gongsun Jin. At this moment, he finally understood the gap between him and Gongsun Jin.

There was only one person, one quietly carrying his hands, and that was Fu Shu.

Fu Shu's face was calm, as if he had already known all this.

Xiao Yu, Duan Mu Shilan, and Ling Qing couldn't help looking at Gongsun Jin in amazement.

Who would have thought that their low-key Elder Gongsun turned out to be in the Spirit Realm!

Gongsun Jin's entire temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes, everyone is incredible, holding their breath.

Gongsun Jin's eyes glowed with a certain sacred light.

The soul enters the gods, and it senses the heavens and humans, which is for the gods!

A soul cultivator who has reached the spiritual realm is already a first glimpse into the heaven and the earth!

"" Tang Lu's face was pale, unable to say a word.

Gongsun Jin was full of brilliance, and said indifferently, "With my cultivation base, I don't know if I am qualified enough?"

No one in the room spoke.

The technique of alchemy, flame first, furnace cauldron second, followed by talent.

And the most important thing in soul cultivation is inheritance!

Xiao Yu's talent is beyond doubt, in everyone's eyes, although it is only in certain aspects.

But what if there is a teaching of the spiritual realm?

The nature is completely different!

It is a soul cultivator with mediocre talent, and a **** spirit realm alchemist is willing to guide him. It is only a matter of time before he reaches the heavenly spirit alchemist.

"Okay! Gongsun Jin, I didn't expect you to hide for so long!! At the Nine Days Alchemy Conference two years later, let's just see who you can do it!!"

Tang Lu glared, gritted his teeth and left with angrily.


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