Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5100: Time force

"Since you know that Divine Soul Dao is the pure soul cultivation line in the world, you know even more that the power of the two laws of the Nine Heavens World, the highest level of soul cultivation, is the law of time, and Divine Soul Dao is the purest line of time law." Fu Book again.

Xiao Yu nodded again, showing that he knew.

Fu Shu's illocutionary implication is that he actually wanted to say that the Soul, Soul, and Dao are already very rare, even declining.

If people who are known to the outside world still exist, most people will naturally recruit them and then cultivate them to help them serve their own forces.

But from another perspective, pure soul cultivators, this is such a rare thing.

If it is known by the rival of certain family forces, then it is bound to be wooed first, and if it is not wooed, it will try to get rid of it.

This is the living condition of Shenhundao.

Shenxun Dao was too defying, so that it was once feared by people.

It is some big family forces, if they don't have a certain ability, they don't dare to recruit a cultivator of Divine Soul Dao.

Because they are afraid of being bitten back.

This is a normal thing.

How terrifying is the ability to control the flow of time, stand still, and even move forward?

"I was also adopted by my teacher, and survived a lot of pressure from the outside world. However, my teacher died because of it in order to protect me." Fu Shu sighed a little.

On the one hand, it's because Divine Soul Dao is a unique existence, and the inheritance of this line is even more against the sky, but it is also rare.

On the other hand, he hasn't met these people for a long, long time.

"Our Soul Dao is actually a family. It's just a long time since the family has been suppressed from all aspects, even the family is destroyed. I am the only branch left." Fu Shu said quietly.

Xiao Yu suddenly.

In fact, he thought Shenhundao was a big power, but he didn't expect it to be a family power.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Shu's eyes returned to a cold light, staring at Xiao Yu, and for a moment, Xiao Yu suddenly felt that the space around him seemed to be still!

He can't seem to feel the loss of time, or the fluctuation of breath in space.

He can only see Fu Shu in front of him!

"The law of time power!" Xiao Yu's pupils shrank.

Not long ago, he even used the branches of Tianmu to use this power, of course it was only a short time.

The feeling that was once similar.

Yes, this is the power!

Suddenly, Xiao Yu's entire soul ocean began to tremble violently.

The Tianmu branches in his mind began to flicker crazily.

The translucent branches grew crazily, as if breaking through some kind of shackles, and then enveloped Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu seemed to be in a strange space.

Around him, time was already static, and even the breath stopped fluctuating.

"how is this possible!?"

"Tianmu branches!"

At this moment, Fu Shu's pupils shrank.

He exclaimed, as if he hadn't expected that he would encounter a scene here that made him feel incredible.

Excited Fu Shu showed horror on his face, as if he had never been so excited in his life.

"Tianmu God array map! This is the Tianmu God array map!!"

Suddenly, Fu Shu laughed three times, his eyes glowed with a strange light again, and then, an even stranger scene appeared!


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