Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5102: Tree of life

Xiao Yu was stunned.

How could he imagine that the Heavenly Wood God Array turned out to be the so-called tree of time!

In other words, this picture that looks like a tree branch actually reflects the changes in the world of Nine Heavens over hundreds of thousands or even countless years!

"No wonder!"

Xiao Yu suddenly realized it.

"It's no wonder that I even mobilized the ability to stand still at that time. It turned out to be the function of the Heavenly Wood Divine Array!"

"It's no wonder that the Tianmu Divine Array can absorb the soul of Mo Suhe's Spirit Realm! Because the soul leads to the supreme power of the law of time!"

"It's no wonder that Tianmu branches can transform or destroy certain barriers! Because barriers are the advanced forms of formations, and formations are constructed with the power of the soul! The power of the soul is born from the soul!"

After thinking about all this, Xiao Yu's entire soul seemed to be enlightened.

He finally understood why the Tianmu Divine Array and his soul fit so well.

That's because of the spirit of his cultivation!

The branches of Tianmu are the trees of time, and the soul of the gods is the discipline of the law of time!

"In other words, the Heavenly Wood God Array is..." Xiao Yu looked at Fu Shu, his eyes glowing with a certain astonishing spirit.

"Yes, the Tianmu Divine Array is the treasure of my Divine Soul Dao clan, and it is also the life divine tree of my Divine Soul Dao clan!"


Xiao Yu's mind suddenly rumbling, his heart surged, and his whole mind seemed to be overwhelmed.

I don't know how many years the Shenhundao clan has existed, and the branches of Tianmu are one of the two great laws of the world.

At the beginning of the chaos, there are two laws of time.

One is the law of space, which constructs the nine-day world.

One is the law of time, which witnesses the long river of history.

The interaction of the two powers of laws has created this colorful world of nine days!

The emergence of the Soul, Soul and Dao clan is a pulse bred by the law of time!

In other words, this is not a sky tree branch, this is the tree of time!

At this moment, the tree of time seemed to feel the fluctuation of Xiao Yu's soul, and the excitement and induction of Fu Shu's soul, and suddenly began to flash with bright light.

Countless branches began to grow on Xiao Yu, as if they had been summoned by something, very strange.

Fu Shu looked at the translucent sacred tree in full bloom with tears in his eyes.

He had only seen this scene in his own memory!

"Unexpectedly, when I was alive, I would be able to see the legendary Tianmu God Formation. Is it because the heaven wants to revitalize my soul?"

Fu Shu was all excited.

What Xiao Yu couldn't realize was what kind of disasters the Fu family had experienced.

From a prosperous family that can influence the entire Nine Heavens World structure, and then to such a family that can only remain anonymous, and some even exist like family-losing dogs.

This kind of sadness and sorrow is beyond the understanding of outsiders.

Xiao Yu couldn't understand the changes in the family of Divine Soul Dao, but he could feel it.

Because, the Shura clan also fell for this reason, and even became the public enemy of the entire Nine Heavens World!

Even my parents don’t know where they are now!

He is like catkins, his life experience is ups and downs.

As if feeling some fluctuations in Xiao Yu's mood, Fu Shu was also surprised.

"Does my little brother feel the same way as me?"

Xiao Yu shook his head, erased the haze just now, and said nothing.

Fu Shu gave Xiao Yu a deep look.

With such a cultivation level, he couldn't understand Xiao Yu's emotional changes.

Although he didn't know what happened to Xiao Yu, he knew that Xiao Yu must have experienced certain experiences.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Shu looked at Xiao Yu solemnly.

"Little brother, the old man has a ruthless please!"

After that, Fu Shu bowed deeply towards Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu was startled.


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