Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5105: Inheritance and responsibility

Xiao Yu suddenly felt like he didn't expect this request.

"Look for the remaining family members?" Xiao Yu was surprised.


Fu Shu was very excited and said: "I used my soul to sense where the rest of the people of our Divine Soul Dao clan are, but they all failed. I felt that the soul of my people seemed to be affected by something. It's blocked."


Fu Shu got more and more excited as he spoke, his eyes glowing, and he said: "I can be 100% sure that I can sense them! They must still be alive! It's just that I don't know where they are."

"Then senior, try to search in other planes?" Xiao Yu asked curiously.

The soul realm of a soul cultivator must have the ability to reach the sky in order to be able to sense people of the same race from thousands of miles away, even hundreds of thousands of miles away!

Even the special of the soul family.

But there is a legal barrier between the plane and the plane, there is turbulence in space, and it is bound by different laws and forces!

"You don't know that after our Divine Soul Dao clan reaches a certain point in the realm, there will be a kind of sensing ability of the same race, just as I sensed your existence, but I only know that they are alive, but I can't sense where they are."

Xiao Yu muttered weirdly, "But at the beginning, you didn't know it was me."

Fu Shu stared at Xiao Yu and said, "That's because your soul realm is too high, your talent realm covers the aura of Divine Soul Dao, and..."

Fu Shu sighed: "Besides, I was adopted by my master since I was a child. I have never seen my own people at all. I only rely on the memory of my soul to sense these familiar auras."

Xiao Yu understood.

A person who has not seen or experienced personally even a member of his own family can feel it only by the smell of memory inheritance, which is naturally a familiar and unfamiliar atmosphere.

Therefore, Xiao Yu couldn't help but this was normal.

That is to say, after Xiao Yu slowly showed his soul power in the three rounds of games, Fu Shu slowly determined.

Fu Shu immediately recovered his sorrow, looked at Xiao Yu sincerely, and said, "Xiao Yu, I didn't believe in fate, but at this moment I believe this is the arrangement of heaven."

"Do you know that a person has the Heavenly Wood Divine Tree, Divine Soul Dao, and me, and I have encountered you Burning Fire. How big is this concept?"

Fu Shu asked and answered, excitedly: "This is impossible! But he just happened!"

Xiao Yu nodded slightly, showing his approval.

Yes, this is indeed impossible.

If it hadn't been for Da Huang who had given him Divine Soul Dao, he had also repeatedly confirmed whether Xiao Yu wanted to cultivate.

Later, Xiao Yu met Master Yu at the auction, and learned about Burning Fire, and also possessed the legendary fetish such as the Tianmu God Array, etc.

All of this is destined!

Xiao Yu could feel the sincerity and excitement of Fu Shu.

It's like seeing my savior.

And Xiao Yu is not only a savior, but also helps Fu Shu to find his own "root" reborn parents!

Fu Shu saw the hesitation in Xiao Yu's eyes, his eyes lit up, and he said, "By the way, there is one very important thing that I didn't say. If you help me, I will pass on your true spirit and soul!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, and his heartbeat accelerated.

Fu Shu hadn't mentioned this condition before, so he had been hesitating all the time, and even refused.

But it's different now.

With the second half, that is, the remaining two thirds, Xiao Yu can continue to improve his soul realm!

But then, Fu Shu's eyes solemnly said: "But what I have to tell you is that our Shenhundao clan has never passed on foreign surnames. If you want to accept my inheritance, then you are also a part of Shenhundao! Look for Shenhundao. You also have the responsibility of Tao people."

Fu Shu did not force Xiao Yu, nor did he force Xiao Yu, let alone tempt Xiao Yu, but respected Xiao Yu's choice.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and said, "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, good, I promise you!"


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