Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5107: Accept the inheritance of alchemy

How Xiao Yu didn't know that if Fu Shufengshan had done so, it would be equivalent to all his influence, and all relationships might be broken.

The value of alchemists lies in alchemy.

If you can't make alchemy anymore, and you can't help some big powers and big families, then it's equivalent to having no value.

And a **** alchemist sealed the mountain!

If it were spread out, how shocking the whole world would be!


Seeing Xiao Yu's worry, Fu Shu suddenly laughed and said, "Boy, do you think that if I were to seal the mountain, I would be forgotten and spurned by the entire Nine Heavens World? Even everything I have will be Vanished?"

Xiao Yu nodded irresponsibly.

Fu Shu smiled faintly, and said, "You can't deny it when you think so, but the value of an alchemist lies not only in his alchemy, but also in his alchemy."

"Inheritance." Xiao Yu blurted out, suddenly thinking of something.


"My master is a world-famous alchemist in the Nine Heavens. In my line, the finger of the palm of the Nine Heavens World can be counted by the finger of my hand, and I am the line of Divine Soul Dao, the highest soul in the Nine Heavens World. There is no other power family that can match me in the same line of cultivation."

In Fu Shu's words, there is a deep arrogance in it.

This kind of pride is not a gesture, but a deep pride.

Indeed, Divine Soul Dao is the strongest family power in the soul cultivation of Nine Heavens World.

One hundred thousand years ago, countless people heard that all the souls of the souls worshipped, like seeing the gods.

Countless people who are flattering, flattering, and dependent are in an endless stream.

During the period of the glory and prosperity of the Shenhundao clan, the ancient clan of Nine Heavens World was slightly inferior by three points.

Of course, the so-called wood show in the forest wind will destroy it, and this is also the reason for the decline of the Soul Dao clan.

Therefore, from a certain perspective, it makes sense that the prosperity must decline.

This is a bit like the Shura.

However, in Xiao Yu's view, the Divine Soul Dao clan was a little different from the Shura clan.

The Shura clan is the public enemy of the entire nine-day world.

The strength of the cultivation talents of the Asura clan and the heavenly defense of the gods have affected the balance of the entire nine-day world, so all the large clans of the aristocracy attacked.

The Spiritual Dao clan gradually became scarce because of the inheritance of blood, and the talents withered, and then some external factors were consumed by many families to consume these talents, and the Spiritual Dao gradually declined.

And until now, even if someone appeared in the Divine Soul Dao clan, they would still be the hotly sought-after targets of the various families.

It's just that it's very difficult to grow into a spiritual realm like Fu Shu.

In the middle of the journey, you must go through risks and worry about being hunted by the enemy.

But what about the Shura?

Once they appear, there is no doubt that they will immediately become targets of public criticism.

Because no one would want to see the scene of the Asuras dominating the Nine Heavens World again.

The Shura clan is too terrifying.

Fu Shu saw Xiao Yu in silence, and immediately asked: "Xiao Yu, I feel that you seem to have the same experience as me."

Xiao Yu returned to his senses, smiled softly, nodded, and said, "My family has similar experiences."

Fu Shu didn't ask much, he just felt that Xiao Yu was not like his peers, and he felt that it was what this young man had experienced, something that countless old people could not imagine and experience.

"So, you don't have to worry about my problem. Since I retired to the Illusion Spirit Island, I no longer have the heart to fight. What's more, I still have some life and death friends. They can shake the world with a stomping. You will find Burning Fire in the future. , I will ask them to help you." Fu Shu said.

Xiao Yu nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Shu began to inherit his alchemy technique.


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