Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5110: Second channel

At this time, Xiao Yu and Gongsun Jin had already left the Illusionary Island and came to a dense forest.

Duanmu Shilan was still immersed in the shock just now, and she kept chatting with Xiao Yu along the way, making Xiao Yu almost embarrassed.

Ling Qing was silent, with some worry on her face.

When he arrived at the marked place, Ling Qing said, "Alright, Junior Sister Duanmu, let Xiao Yu take a break, and talk about it when I go back."

Duanmu Shilan's face flushed red, and she nodded excitedly.

Xiao Yu touched Duan Mu Shilan's head with a kind of affectionate smile in his eyes.

After all, Duanmu Shilan was brought back by Xiao Yu, and she had always regarded Xiao Yu as her older brother Jian teacher.

Within a week, Xiao Yu's soul had made such a big leap, and Duan Mu Shilan was of course excited.

After a while, Xiao Yu looked at Gongsun Jin, restored his calm face, and asked: "Elder Gongsun, I remember Zhang Chengcheng once told me that, just in case, whenever the elders travel, he will arrange another A secret marked channel serves as a spare."

Duanmu Shilan asked in surprise: "Another secret passage? Don't we take this passage?"

Xiao Yu smiled and replied: "That's right, I have some things, and I may not go back later, so that secret channel can let me teleport back."

"Then it turns out that this passage is just fine?" Duan Mu Shilan said.

Ling Qing also explained: "That's it. The construction and maintenance of the space channel requires a lot of space stones. We don't know how long it will take for Junior Brother Xiao Yu to come back. Zhang Chenglao’s burden, after all, mining the space stone is more difficult."

Duanmu Shilan nodded slightly, and immediately looked at Xiao Yu excitedly, and said, "Brother Xiao Yu, then you have to come back quickly, and then teach me alchemy!"

"Okay." Xiao Yu touched Duan Mu Shilan's hair again.

Gongsun Jin's face was indifferent, and he looked at Xiao Yu and said, "I'll be back in a while, not too long."

Then he told Xiao Yu another marked location.

Xiao Yu smiled and nodded, a sharp light flashed deep in his eyes.

Ling Qing also looked at Xiao Yu solemnly, and said, "Be careful."

Gongsun Jin's seal changed, and then a circle of light appeared on the ground, and there seemed to be huge fluctuations in the invisible space.

This is the space transmission channel, and then the three of them turned into a streamer and disappeared in place.

After the three of them had left, Xiao Yu's smiling face gradually became cold.

Soon he didn't say a word, and he swept in a certain direction.

After a few hours, Xiao Yu finally came to a remote jungle place, which was another marked place.

His signature changed, and a circle of light lit up under his feet.

"It just so happens that my hands are itchy, I want to see who is so innocent."

Then the space channel opened and Xiao Yu disappeared on the spot.

Space channel transmission is a very rapid process. When Xiao Yu just entered the space channel and proceeded in a familiar direction, suddenly, the path of the space channel changed to some extent, and then he was transferred to another direction. .

After Xiao Yu's feeling of being down to earth came, he came to a barren hillside.

The entire sky was dark and dark, and the surrounding area was yellow and vast, which looked like an ancient wilderness.

And at this moment, a joking voice sounded--

"Boy, you finally came out. We have been waiting for you for a long time."


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