Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5113: Come out and die!

Han Yuan has never been so embarrassed and frightened as he is now.

In his opinion, this young man is simply a monster, a freak!

At the same level, why can such a shocking force burst out!

This is the power of the dragon urged by Xiao Yu, a beast from the highest ranking!

Han Yu knew that he could not be the opponent of this young man at all. He had already developed a sense of fleeing.

"Boy, stop! I'm just taking money!" Han Yuan hurriedly shouted.

But when he looked at the golden shining young man in front of him, he unexpectedly discovered that his stimulation of the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth had become slow.

That kind of feeling, it's as if some power is blocked, and it can't be activated at all!

"How could..." Han Yan's face was as gray as death, and his face was pale.

Xiao Yu sneered, and said, "You just said you want to pull my soul away?"

Han Wei's face was suddenly startled, and then he turned and turned into a **** light and rushed away, directly traversing a thousand meters to escape.

"Blood escape?" Xiao Yu sneered.

Han Yu was about to break the tip of his tongue early in the morning, trying to use his blood to stimulate the power beyond himself, and then flee away.

How could Xiao Yu keep his hands?


He pinched his fingers into a sword, and a cyan light sword aura directly tore the void.

Aoki sword spirit!

This is naturally the power of the Aoki Eucharist, and it comes from the strength of the Eucharist that is superior to the spiritual body!

Han Yu had just escaped thousands of meters away, and was directly penetrated by a sword energy from the back of his head, leaving a blood mark on his forehead, and he fell to the ground.

Standing on the hillside, Xiao Yu turned into a stream of light and flew towards a certain town.

The cultivation base of the Yuanpa realm has already begun to evolve the fetal yuan into a Yuanpa.

If the fetal origin is the embryonic state of the spirit, then the origin is the juvenile state of the spirit.

In the Three Spirit Realm, the spiritual power of heaven and earth has been deeply understood to the realm of unity, this is the realm of unity.

As for the feathered state, it means "flight and walk", that is, you can start flying.

However, in fact, although the Huayu Realm can fly in the air, almost no one uses the flying ability.

Because as early as in the Three Spirit Realm, the spiritual power of heaven and earth could already do whatever one wanted, but it was just a shallow state of void suspension.

Even in the Huayu Realm, the speed of flight is still not as fast as that of land.

Only at the Yuanpa Realm can he walk on the ground.

This is the true mark of Yuanpajing Royal Air Flight.

Xiao Yu searched for a town, and after inquiring about the Cen family's residence, his gaze directly looked into a certain direction, his eyes were killing intent.

"Cen Wan, you went so far to find someone to ambush me, do you really think that Xiao Yu is a bully?"

After that, Xiao Yu once again turned into a streamer and fled away.

The so-called people do not offend him, he does not offend others.

If anyone offends me, I will give it back a hundred times!

The area is extremely luxurious, like a manor house in a fairyland, here is the Cen family mansion.

The Cen family is one of the best in the Xihong territory.

The clan is not only able to train alchemists, but even spiritual power practitioners have also had many amazing talents.

Therefore, the reputation of the Cen family can also have some foothold in the higher planes.

At this time, Cen Wan was sitting in the yard, his expression a little suspicious.

It has been a full week, and he has been waiting for some news these days.

According to reason, as early as a few days ago, Han Yuan should have heard the news, but it hasn't been there until now.

"Uncle, don't think about it, Han Wei must have killed the kid, and he can definitely pay Cen Xing this time." said a handsome young man.

This young man was the first of the younger generation of the Cen family, and his name was changed to Cen Bin.

Suddenly, at this moment, a thunder-like voice sounded over the entire Cen family mansion.

"Cen stubborn old man, come out and die!"


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