Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5115: Enter the Cen's house (part 2)

The elder of the Cen family was not capable of transforming the feather realm, so he was beaten up on the spot with a punch from Xiao Yu and died.

Seeing this scene, Cen Bin's eyes narrowed slightly.

What a powerful force!

He himself was also the first person in the Cen family, and at the same time was a cultivation base of the late Yuan Po realm, but Xiao Yu's casual punch just now made people feel a kind of shock.

Every member of the Cen family gasped.

An elder in the late stage of Transforming Feather Realm can't even hold the opponent's punch. How terrifying is this young man?

The Cen family members who were still clamoring just now were silent.

Cen Gan's eyes were cold and cold.

"Boy, I finally know how you killed Han Wei and the others." Cen Nan said in a deep voice.

"What!? Han Yuan? That's the Han Ling from Han Lingshan?"

"Han Lingshan has more than 20 Name Huayu Stages, and there are also 20 or 30 Hedao Stages. Could it be that he killed all of them?"

Thinking of this, everyone's faces trembled again.

It turns out this person came to their Cen house to seek revenge!

Cen Gan's eyes flickered uncertainly.

"Unexpectedly, this kid's cultivation base is so terrifying, if this trip is here to head-on with him, it will not be worth it."

Han Yuan and his party had been killed, which proved that Xiao Yu's cultivation had exceeded Cen Wan's imagination and control.

Even if their Cen family can have the confidence to kill Xiao Yu, they will inevitably pay a painful price.

"Boy, it was a misunderstanding before. It was Cen Xing who offended you before. My Cen family will no longer hold this matter." Cen Wan said.

As soon as this statement came out, many people in the Cen family looked surprised.

Cen Xing is their Young Patriarch, and Cen Wan is the Great Elder Jian Tianling Alchemist of their Cen Family.

The Cen family died, and a young patron didn't pursue it! ?

"Huh! Boy, Cen Xing is my grandson. At this time, our Cen family will not give up anyway! I have a chance to kill you again in the future!"

In Cen Wan's view, Xiao Yu is indeed somewhat capable.

Moreover, this is the base camp of their Cen family, the Yuan Po realm's fight is very terrifying, maybe the Cen family will kill 1,000 enemies and lose 800, so it is better to consider the long-term plan.

Xiao Yu smiled faintly, and said: "I don't have any hatred with your Cen family. This matter is only caused by your Cen stubborn person. As long as you destroy your soul cultivation, I can spare your Cen family's life."

Cen Nan's face suddenly stiffened, and immediately furious: "Boy, you're looking for death!!"

A soul cultivator doesn't even have a soul cultivation base. Doesn't this mean that he is useless?

Moreover, Cen Wan is a highly respected Celestial Spirit alchemist, and is the backbone of all alchemy children of the entire Cen family, as well as all cultivators.

If you can't make alchemy, this is tantamount to cutting off one of the Cen family's arms, and the Cen family is tantamount to losing the stable resources for improving cultivation!

For the Cen family, how deep this blow is!

In any case, it is absolutely impossible for the Cen family to accept this condition.

Whether Cen Wan was self-destructing his soul, or compared with the lives of everyone in the Cen family, both were inseparable.

Especially, where did this kid's tone and confidence dare to threaten their Cen family?

There are no fewer than a few in the Cen family, simply in Yuanpa Realm, and there is also a Patriarch who is in retreat.

"Cen Wan, in exchange for so many lives for your life alone, this deal is a very good deal for you."

"Fart!" A Cen family master was furious.

"Boy, how can my Cen family allow you to run wild here!! Come here!!" A white-haired old man shouted angrily.

The killing intent of all the masters in the entire Cen family was ascending, obviously they were also angered by Xiao Yu's words just now.

"So, you just don't compromise?" Xiao Yu raised his brows, his eyes gradually cold.

"If that's the case, then go to death."


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