Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5125: Today, it's up to you, Xiao Yu!

After a long while, Tang Lu regained his sullen expression, and smiled angrily: "What a kid who doesn't know the heights of the earth, he wants to step on our Yunsheng Academy under his feet. Why is he!?"

Wu Yu's eyes also became cold.

Indeed, Xiao Yu's words were indeed extremely domineering, but they were too arrogant.

Yunsheng College’s perseverance, the head of the five great temples, don’t know how many years, how can it be a kid’s turn to step under his feet?

Even if he had heard about Xiao Yu's entrance exam at the five great temples before, he definitely didn't think that just a kid could disturb the balance of the five great temples.

Mu Zi'an was silent, her eyes uncertain.

What happened in the Coffin Continent is vivid, as if it happened yesterday.

Others may not believe what Xiao Yu said, but Mu Zi'an somewhat believed it.

No one knows what his background and potential have reached.

However, as a pure alchemy master, Mu Zi'an would not pay attention to these, he would only think of surpassing this person in alchemy.

Tang Lu didn't care at all, but snorted, saying: "Let me take a look, what is his virtue and ability in the assessment of the five great temples!"

"Lao Tang, should this matter be reported to the college?" Wu Yu asked.

Privately changing the spatial transmission channel of Cangling Academy is already a bit beyond the boundary.

Each of the five major temples has some regulations and cannot set foot in their respective fields.

"No, since this kid isn't dead, Cangling Academy won't bother us and dare not say anything. On the contrary, I am more and more looking forward to the competition of the five great temples."

"This time it is held at our Yunsheng Academy. This is not the Island of Illusion. No one is covering him. If he does something extraordinary, we don't mind erasing him from this world!" Tang Lu viciously Said.

Tang Lu left with Mu Zi'an.

On the way, Mu Zi'an said: "Elder Tang, I am going to retreat to make alchemy."

Tang Lu glanced at Mu Zi'an, his face relaxed a lot, and he nodded slightly and said, "It's also right to retreat. The five great temples have nothing to do with our alchemy, and now that you are retreating, you can also compete in the next alchemy. Take a place, there is your stage."

Pill Alchemy Competition!

Mu Zi'an's eyes flickered.

This is the highest standard in the nine-day world and the most lively and flourishing age in the alchemy world.

This big comparison is not comparable to the exchange meeting on the Phantom Island.

By then, all the hidden families and the most talented alchemy geniuses in the entire Nine Heavens World will go together to compete on the same platform.

Looking at the blazing light in Mu Zi'an's eyes, Tang Lu said: "Every time in the alchemy competition, you can choose the future pillar of the alchemy world, and you will definitely get a good ranking."

Mu Zi'an nodded slightly, the fiery color in his eyes became more intense.

That's his stage and the final direction of his efforts over the years.

In contrast, the exchange meeting on the Phantom Island is nothing more than a shame.

Many amazing talented alchemy Tianjiao, all came to retreat for several years, and then went to participate.

Because of this, Mu Zi'an and some real alchemy geniuses did not participate in the exchange on the Illusionary Island.

Really powerful people, like him, are preparing for the highest alchemy stage.


After transmitting their influence, Zhang Cheng and Gongsun Jin also looked at each other, because Xiao Yu's words just now were really too domineering.

Step on Yunsheng Academy under your feet!

How domineering and confident this is!

For so many years in Cangling Academy, no one dared to say that.

Gongsun Jin hasn't been to Cangling Academy for a long time, so it's not as good as Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng's eyes glowed with some divine light, and said, "Good, good! I watched the Cangling God in Cangling Academy thousands of years ago, and today, it's up to you Xiao Yu! I have decided to teach you the way of space!"


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