Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5132: Space Force Test

About half an hour later, the fighting atmosphere in Zhang Cheng's pavilion and courtyard became stronger and stronger, and Xiao Yu's burst of strength became stronger and stronger.

At the back, the ground began to collapse and the house slowly collapsed, and the entire mountain was shaken violently by the waves of space.

Zhang Cheng Yue Zhan is more surprised.

Naturally, he didn't use his full strength, because if he used his full strength, even the entire mountain would collapse.

But he also broke out the same cultivation base of the late Yuan soul realm as Xiao Yu.

However, he discovered that even if he broke out of the cultivation base of the late Yuan Soul Realm, he couldn't get close to Xiao Yu's three feet.

The keen sensitivity of Xiao Yu's six senses, as well as the certainty of the fighting state, began to change as a person after a round of embarrassment at the beginning.

At this moment, he entered a state of fighting, and he became more and more courageous.

What surprised Zhang Cheng most was that Xiao Yu's understanding of the power of the law of space was much stronger than others of the same level in certain conveniences.

This reminded him of the fact that he and Lao Liu used to help Xiao Yu seal the drawing in the lower house.

At that time, Xiao Yu's understanding of the power of the law of space had exceeded his imagination.

In addition, with the help of him and the sixth child, Xiao Yu regarded them as the shoulders of giants, and naturally possessed a higher talent for the cultivation of the power of the law of space.

Of course, Xiao Yu was not as strong as it is now.

Among his peers at the time, Xiao Yu's understanding of the law of space was ahead of his peers.

But now it's different when it comes to the Yuan soul realm.

Because Xiao Yu's comprehension of the power of the law of space stagnated.

In fact, Xiao Yu cared about cultivation, and didn't spend more time comprehending this supreme law power.

After all, although with the improvement of strength, the comprehension of the power of the law of space will follow.

But it's not that just sitting, these powers will fall from the sky, it must also take time to understand.

It's just that the higher the level, the closer to the heavens, the greater the opportunity to contact the laws of space.

After finally twenty or thirty rounds, Zhang Cheng had already exploded the power of Ksitigarbha, but Xiao Yu became more and more courageous, and he didn't mean to be tired at all.

Zhang Cheng was surprised: "I have to stop. If this goes on, this place is really going to be broken."

Zhang Cheng's heart became more and more surprised.

This kid obviously only has the cultivation base of the late Yuanpa realm, but the fighting power that broke out went straight to the heaven!

The spatial fluctuations in Xiao Yu's body began to vibrate, his eyes glowing with fine light.

"Good boy, even the power of the law of space has been drawn out." Zhang Cheng took a deep breath.

The more contact with Xiao Yu, the more shocked he was.

"Boy, stop." Zhang Cheng's figure emerged and said.

The heaven and earth spiritual power in Xiao Yu's body surged crazily, and it seemed a little unhappy, but he also knew that this half an hour had already given him a little more gain.

His breath slowly receded, only to realize that he had been too engaged in the battle just now, and he realized that there was a mess around him.

Zhang Cheng helplessly said, "Come with me."

Under the leadership of Zhang Cheng, he came to another small courtyard.

"Growing old, are we about to start?" Xiao Yu asked with a hint of excitement.

Zhang Cheng said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have to test you first."



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