Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5135: 100 times gravity

In the blink of an eye for more than a month.

At this time, on a certain back mountain in Cangling Academy.

The entire hill is only a hundred meters high. This hill is a peak on the mountain where Zhang Cheng lives, and this more than a month is the place of cultivation for Xiao Yu.

From a distance, there are 500 steps on the whole mountain.

At this time, on the 100-meter peak, only a figure was slowly climbing towards the top.

The man was naked and his upper body was naked.

The muscles I met are like cast from a piece of steel, almost like a knife and an axe.

On the handsome and picturesque face, there are tears covering it at this moment.

He was sweating like rain, his whole body was covered with sweat, and his pants were soaked, but in any case, he could not stop his determination to continue climbing.

This person is not someone, naturally Xiao Yu.

"Four hundred and ninety-eight!"

Xiao Yu Yinya bit angrily, and he felt that his whole body was being pressed by countless weights.

His knees were trembling, and his mind moved forward as if against Mount Tai.

But his eyes are extremely firm.

Over the past month or so, he has forgotten how many times he has climbed this hill.

Although he couldn't reach the top with every judgment, he was able to step up several steps online every time, even if there was only one step, he was satisfied.

This is one of his several training projects in the past month and more.

Of course, not only the last one today, but also the last one in more than a month.

This training project is called "gravity training".

Don't look at Xiao Yu Xiao Yu seemed to be out of breath after climbing five hundred stairs, unable to move.

But in fact, invisibly, his entire body was shrouded in a hundredfold gravity.

This is such a power that Zhang Cheng released with the force of the law of space, attached to this hill.

Anyone who steps on this hill will gain a hundred times more weight than usual.

Of course, the higher the height, the greater the gravity, which can reach a hundred times the gravity.

Only when Xiao Yu climbed to the top of the five-hundredth ladder could he be considered as a short end of this more than one month training.

At this time in a pavilion on a mountain not far away.

Zhang Cheng, Chu Dongmen, Gongsun Jin, and Bu Yun were all here, and there was an old man with pale hair beside him. This man was the sixth child of the library where Zhang Cheng helped Xiao Yu seal the drawings.

The sixth one glanced in the distance and said: "Zhang Cheng, you are a hundred times the gravity, I am afraid that the sky is hidden here, and it can't be maintained for half an hour."

In Cangling College, only Zhang Cheng and the deans of Cangling College can compare with the sixth in terms of the law of space.

It is said that Lao Liuben was an elder of the same generation as the former dean. Later, he became tired of mundane affairs and then retired to the library.

When he knew that Zhang Cheng was going to teach Xiao Yu the power of the law of space, and he knew that today was the day when Xiao Yu left the customs, the sixth man came to watch it.

Bu Yun was amazed and said: "This kid has a strong talent, but he can stand in a stalemate for so long, and his body's heritage is indispensable."

"But I have seen him from the lower court, the invincible existence of the same level of physical body, he is a person of several levels beyond him, and his physical body may not be as powerful as him."

Bu Yun deeply remembered that when Xiao Yu was in that competition, he summoned the physical power of a five-clawed golden dragon!

Although he is not sure if this is really the dragon's physical cultivation method.

But at the moment Long Yin's anger rang out, he was really shocked.

Gongsun Jin couldn't help but exclaimed, "Dongmen, you have recruited a good student!"


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