Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5138: Gravity Resistance

Two hundred times the gravity is crushed down. To tell the truth, if it were an average person, the internal organs of the flesh would have long since turned into a paste.

However, Xiao Yu was not an ordinary person.

When the two hundred times the gravity was pressed down, Xiao Yu felt that his soul was about to be shaken apart.

The kind of pressure forced him to step on the foot and immediately retracted.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, his eyes seemed to have made some determination.

"Playing so big, in that case, I won't hide it anymore."


Suddenly, with Xiao Yu as the center, a strange rippled vibration suddenly appeared within a hundred meters of the entire space.

The space was distorted again, but then, a strange scene appeared.

From the first step to the second step, it quickly fell apart!

"Boom boom boom!"

The power of his space enveloped the entire hill.

The steps from the foot of the mountain began to slowly collapse towards the top.

The most peculiar thing is that the underground steps have collapsed. According to the truth, a whole hill should have collapsed, but it didn't.

This is the wonder of the power of space designed by Zhang Cheng.

It looks like a whole hill, but in fact each step is independent, and the gravity that it can bear is different.

The reason why this hill collapsed was entirely because Xiao Yu was giving this piece of space gravity a technique!

The steps that had collapsed one by one were shattered because they couldn't bear the gravitational space released by Xiao Yu.

"Good fellow, this kid uses his own gravity to fight against Zhang Cheng's gravity." Gongsun Jin also saw the doorway bit by bit.

Even though he is a soul cultivator, he is a divine spirit realm alchemist, and his divine spirit realm soul has already felt that a force emanating from Xiao Yu is fighting against this achievement.

Chu Dongmen also smiled and said, "He did the opposite."

The sixth man shook his head slightly and said, "Zhang Cheng's two hundred times the gravity is not something he can compare to after practicing for more than a month."

Although Zhang Cheng's use of the power of space cannot be said to be superb, it is definitely better than Xiao Yu's half bucket of water.

In the eyes of the sixth child, in just over a month, Xiao Yu was able to release a hundred times the space gravity, which was already very good, and it was also very powerful for him in battle.

But two hundred times, to be honest, if he could really join the battle, then Tenzo would not be his opponent.

"This kid has an affinity that is different from ordinary people from the feeling of the power of space. He deserves to be from the Shura clan. I just want to force this part of his potential out." Zhang Cheng said with squinting eyes.

Bu Yun smiled and said, "You have planned your feelings."

Zhang Cheng suddenly sighed and said, "I have consulted ancient books. The blood space technique of the Shura tribe is the best in the world of Nine Heavens. It releases the real space and is much stronger than the same level. Although he has not yet reached that level. , But this is equivalent to indirectly stimulating his potential."

Everyone was silent.

The age when the **** Shura was born was the most glorious age of the Shura tribe.

In that era, it was the moment when the Shura clan's reputation was at its peak.

But the five great gods, the founders of the five great temples, were not the most prosperous era of the Asura clan.

Because that is one hundred thousand years away from now.

These things, they can only learn from ancient books.

This is also the reason why almost most people in the Nine Heavens World have never heard of the Asura clan.

Chu Dongmen secretly said in his heart: "If Xiao Yu can get in touch with the Shura blood realm in advance, maybe he can sense the location of Senior?"

Thinking of this, Chu Dongmen shook his head slightly after all, dispelling the idea.

Twenty years have passed, and he has been inquiring about solutions everywhere, but without exception, there is no news.

While he was thinking about these things, Xiao Yu suddenly heard another movement in the distance.

Gongsun Jin exclaimed: "It seems that this kid might be beyond our expectations!"


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