Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5146: Shennong Dalu

Shennong mainland.

As the most famous Shennong Continent in the Nine Heavens World, it is said that the age of this continent is extremely long in the Seventy-two Great Heavens World.

Just because, hundreds of thousands of years ago, Shennong Continent gave out a life alchemist named Shennong, who is famous for tasting all kinds of herbs.

Although this alchemist didn't achieve even, that is, the state of his soul transcending into the sacred state, he was half-footed into this state.

Shennong was revered by countless people.

The descendants of Hou Shennong, the Hua family, founded the Shennong Temple to pay homage to their ancestor. This continent is also named Shennong Continent.

Shennong Continent and Coffin Continent are somewhat similar, but they are not the same.

The Coffin Continent is full of wood attributes, and the outstanding Duanmu family is in charge of most of the Coffin Continent.

The people of the Coffin Continent have also been passed down from generation to generation, and the attributes in the body are a force that favors the attributes of wood.

And because the physiques of their children are naturally close to the spiritual power of the wood element, their souls' perception and talent for elixir will be much stronger than ordinary people.

But Shennong Temple is different.

The Shennong Temple is full of elite children, and they are all alchemists.

Those who have not awakened their souls at birth or after the coming-of-age ceremony at the age of sixteen will all be reduced to ordinary people.

But even ordinary people in the Hua family still have very noble identities.

Because their blood is inherited from their ancestor Shennong, even for cultivation, their talents are not weaker than ordinary people.

However, in the entire Shennong Continent, the strongest of the Chinese family is still the alchemist of Shennongdian, and Shennongdian is also the first family and strength.

In a jungle, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, and it was Xiao Yu.

"This is the Shennong Continent. It is indeed very similar to the Coffin Continent, but the spiritual power of Heaven and Earth is much stronger than that of the Coffin Continent." Xiao Yu nodded inwardly.

Now his soul realm has broken through to the heavenly spirit realm with the help of Fu Shu.

Therefore, his perception of the six senses and the aura of the heaven and earth spiritual power are all stronger than before.

However, because Shennong Continent was very far away from Cangling Academy, Xiao Yu's mind was consumed to a certain extent in the space transmission channel. He planned to recover first, and then find someone to inquire about the birth of the Ice Soul Xuanlong.

Those flourishing times were definitely a sensation for Xiao Yu.

Not only the Tianjiao from the other four academies will go there, even the major local forces in Shennong Continent will step in.

Two hours later.

When Xiao Yu's body aura began to gather like tides, he was about to leave when suddenly a voice sounded.

"Xiang'er, follow me closely. It is said that there are monsters and beasts here. Don't leave your father three feet away." A low-minded middle-aged man said.

I saw a middle-aged man with a serious face and a 13-year-old, delicate-looking girl was heading cautiously.

The girl was walking ahead, suddenly a little surprised, because the girl was seeing Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu frowned. With his soul consciousness, no one within a few hundred meters could escape his breath. If he hadn't been completely restrained this time, he wouldn't let this girl see himself.

"Xiang'er!?" The middle-aged man seemed to have felt something, he immediately pushed aside the grass, and immediately saw a handsome young man.

"you are?"


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