Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5162: Four Great Shrines Tianjiao

The first thing that caught my eye was the young girl in a white robe with a cloud embroidered on her chest.

This is the mark of Yunsheng Academy.

Especially the first person, with long hair, high spirits, and eyes like torches.

"According to the intelligence, this person should be Liu Haosheng, the arrogant talent of Yunsheng Academy."

Immediately afterwards, three waves of people from Zifu College, Chenyuan College, and Lingtian College also arrived one after another.

"Fu Zhen from Chenyuan College, Yi Xuyun from Lingtian College, Shui Xingya from Zifu College."

The arrival of these four people immediately attracted the attention of Jiang Zhong, Yu Jingqi, Wu Chao and others.

The five major temples are all well-known throughout the Nine Heavens World. They are almost all aristocratic families who were born in various dimensions. If you want to enter, you need to recommend places.

Therefore, this group of people standing volley between the sky and the earth, with such a magnificent temperament, they can almost overlook all living beings.

Countless people looked up, and there was a look of yearning in their eyes.

After all, no matter how you say it, the five great temples are all the holy places of cultivation that countless young people yearn for!

In particular, the surface cultivation of these four people has reached the peak of the Yuan soul realm, and there is a vague posture of reaching the domain of the Tibetan Dao.

But Jiang Zhong and others' eyes flickered to varying degrees. Obviously, this cultivation is almost impossible to be true, and they must have hidden their strength.

Lei Yinshan Jiang Zhong, Tiandaozong Yu Jingqi, Xuanmendao Wu Chao, Lin Bijie, Qi Cheng, Li Dongtian and others were staring at these people.

One is the native Tianjiao of Shennong Temple, and the other is from the five major temples, and the atmosphere suddenly becomes condensed.

"Hey, it seems that Cangling Academy is missing. They didn't send anyone here?" someone in the crowd suddenly asked.

Although none of the five great temples came from peerless geniuses with a reputation, they were so rich that they were definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

And the clothes they wore were all signs of the academy, apparently for announcement.

Because on weekdays, unless some large-scale activities, or some tasks, it is rarely uniform.

Obviously this is coming to Shennong Continent to stand up.

Someone replied: "It is estimated that Cangling Academy is too weak. After all, Cangling Academy is the bottom of the top five temples. They estimate that they will try their best to prepare for the big five temples."

The Big Comparison of the Five Great Temples, that is the biggest event of the Five Great Temples, it can be said that the news of these events has spread to all continents of the world for 72 days.

After all, to a certain extent, those who can enter the five great temples are almost all the children of geniuses from some powerful planes, except for some eternal families with their own orthodoxy and the forces of the thousand-year orthodoxy.

When these children come out of the five great temples, they will become the top powerhouses in a certain area in the future, and some of them can even touch the existence of the Mighty Venerables and even the gods.

"But I heard that in the examination of the upper house of the five great temples, an extremely powerful guy came out, and Cangling Academy's reputation has become a little irritable because of this," someone said.

They have also heard about the examination of the upper house of the five major temples, and it is only more than half a year away.

"Hehe, no matter how strong it is, after all, it is only an assessment of the upper court. Cangling Academy has been in decline for more than hundreds of years. How can it be restored to its peak by one person or in a short period of time?"

Many people nodded in agreement.

"The one who took the first place seems to be called Xiao Yu? But it's useless. Even if he had the cultivation base of the Profound Realm at the time, he wanted to participate in this trip to the Canglan River in just over half a year. It is no different from a dream. Even in the late Yuan soul realm, you can only stand aside." Someone said sharply.

Chen Xiang'er next to him sighed and said, "I've heard of this big brother. If he is here, I don't know if he can compete here."


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