Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5170: What are your last words before you die

All people were retreated to varying degrees, even the headed Jiang Zhong and others were several kilometers away from the river.

All the Tianjiao in Shennong Continent, as well as the elite students of the four major temples, quietly retreated.

Because this time is not the best time to shoot.

They could only be forced to bow their heads when faced with the coercion of the heavens and the earth, but someone happened to face them!

A figure strode out, Xiao Yu.

"Big brother!" Chen Xianger was naturally the first to be surprised.

"Stay well and see how my brother killed this wicked animal!"

Xiao Yu's words passed, and his figure was hundreds of meters away.

He stepped out one step, the whole person seemed to be stepping in the void, and his figure was hundreds of meters away, making everyone tremble.

What secret technique is this! ?

But only certain talents shrank their pupils and exclaimed, "Could it be the power of the law of space!?"

"This guy, is it going to die?" Chen Xinling was also shocked just now.

But when he saw Xiao Yu going up against the wind, he was immediately shocked.

Although she has nothing to do with Xiao Yu and doesn't care about Xiao Yu's life or death, Chen Xinling does not want Chen Xianger to be sad.

Xiao Yu's actions would only make Chen Xiang'er sad, and Chen Xinling didn't want to see Xiao Yu's death.

However, Xiao Yu ignored him at all and still strode forward.

"This kid, who is it?" Jiang Zhong and others also noticed Xiao Yu's movements.

Jiang Zhong and the others are actually very clever, and this is the moment when the Ice Soul Xuan Python evolved into the Ice Soul Xuanlong.

The moment that broke out just now is a symbol of evolutionary success, but after that, the Ice Soul Profound Dragon will enter a short period of consolidation, and this period is the weakest.

So they are all watching the changes.

In the battle just now, everyone actually took a little bit of thought. In addition to not using their full strength and retaining their strength, they were still testing each other's reality.

For Yu Jingqi and others, they didn't care who Xiao Yu was at all.

Standing up at this time can only be regarded as looking for death.

Lu Junxiu's eyes were sneered and sneered, and he said, "This kid doesn't know how high the world is, this is looking for death!"

No one stopped Xiao Yu.

In other words, although Xiao Yu strolled leisurely in the courtyard, he took a hundred meters at a step, as ethereal as a dream, like a dream.

Even at the back, the pupils of Li Haosheng and others in the four major temples shrank slightly.

They are too familiar with this kind of power fluctuation, this is the power of the law of space!

"The use of curious and wonderful spatial laws, although not much, but in line with the pace, it gives people a gesture of a hundred meters in a flash!" Zifu College Shui Xingya's beautiful eyes flickered.

"Who is this person's cultivation base? According to the information, I have never heard of the younger generation of Shennong Mainland who knows the law of space." Yunsheng College Li Haosheng narrowed his eyes.

However, when they felt that Xiao Yu's aura was only as strong as the Yuanbao realm aura, they were just ordinary Tianjiao, just having some adventures.

After all, the world is so big and there are no surprises. Some people are born with good luck and chance, and it is normal to get the things that many people dream of all their lives.

Xiao Yu was already under the ice soul profound dragon at this time, motionless, he raised his head and looked at the dragon race full of ice crystals.

Everyone stared at Xiao Yu and seemed to want to see how Xiao Yu died.

And Bing Soul Xuanlong's eyes the size of a copper bell were looking down at Xiao Yu, and a majestic aura shrouded in his eyes, as if even the earth was shaking.

"Xiaolong, I'm sorry, if it wasn't for this beast, I would definitely tame this ice profound dragon and eat it for you."

In fact, the little dragon was a lizard from the beginning. The lizard is a distant relative of the dragon family, and naturally has a little dragon blood.

But after the little dragon continued to practice, swallow, and evolve, Xiao Yu found that the dragon bloodline in the little dragon had a vague sign of being activated.

If this ice soul profound dragon is swallowed by the dragon, there is no doubt that the blood of the dragon will evolve to a higher level.

Xiaolong's breath fluctuated, and he smiled: "Hey, don't be sorry, next time you can find a dragon blood that is more pure than this one for me."

"Hahaha, I promise you." Xiao Yu answered in his heart.

And at this moment, Xiao Yu looked up to the sky and uttered a word--

"Do you have any last words before you die."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was quiet.


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