Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5192: Fairy-level spiritual skills!

The entire audience was shocked by Wu Shan's terrifying power.

This is a fairy-level spiritual skill!

Even if it is placed in the three major sects, it is the treasure of the town!

Such as Jiang Zhong, Wu Chao and others are not qualified to practice.

Because of this treasure of the town sect, only the ancestor of the sect, the suzerain, and the great elder can practice.

If Jiang Zhong wants to practice, he has to take over as the next lord to have this opportunity!

Even Liu Haosheng and others in the four major temples were shocked.

Immortal-level spiritual skills, placed in their academy, can only be cultivated by the most core children!

Such as the dean's personal biography.

In order to kill such an arrogant fellow, Wu Shan directly urged a fairy-level spiritual skill!

And Wu Shan is still Tianzang cultivation base!

How can Xiao Yu resist such strength?

"Is this the power of fairy-level spiritual skills?"

Xiao Yu floating in midair couldn't help but exclaim.

This was the first time he had come into contact with the fairy-level spiritual skills, which made him feel a novelty.

However, the first contact did not mean that Xiao Yu had never felt this kind of power.

He had felt even the power of the Soul Realm.

How can such power make Xiao Yu back down?

"Since you are the great elder of Leiyinshan, then I will return the body in the same way!"

Xiao Yu received Jiang Zhong's Thundery Body, and he condensed with a fist, and the purple unicorn began to condense behind him quickly.


The power of the purple unicorn surging to the extreme began to swarm out and instilled on his arm.


A kind of power that seemed to come from the ancient times burst out, and hit the past with the power of heaven and earth thunder.

The space roared and the void vibrated.

This time, the power of the purple unicorn spurred by Xiao Yu was many times stronger than when he dealt with Jiang Zhong just now!

"He didn't use all his strength against Jiang Zhong just now!" The person with good eyesight suddenly exclaimed.

No one believed that Xiao Yu even had such a hand.

In other words, they don't even know how much pure thunder power is contained in the purple unicorn bones that have been activated twice.

You know, this is an ancient divine beast in the profound thunder beast thunder pond that was inspired by the power of thunder.

It's Thor's mount!

It was an existence that could compete with the four great beasts!

Even if a purple unicorn with only a trace of remnant thoughts, combined with the power of thunder, how could this kind of divine power be contended by ordinary Leiyinshan and others?

Because what the purple unicorn contains is the purest power of thunder in the world!


Xiao Yu gave a soft shout and punched out.

With this punch, heaven and earth burst out with thousands of thunderous flashes, which seemed to be able to shake the space into a sea of ​​thunder.

The sky was pale, and the light of thunder filled everyone's eyes.

Along with the appearance of the purple unicorn blasting out, Wu Shan's heavenly spiritual skills suddenly fell apart.


Wu Shan's pupils shrank, that was a heavenly spiritual skill!

It is one of their treasures to protect the sect!

How perverted this kid is!

But the next moment, when Wu Shan saw the purple unicorn shrouded toward him, his whole body seemed to be suppressed by a giant giant beast.

How could there be such a perverted guy in the world.

"Do not!!!"

Wu Shan roared, and at the moment when he was about to die, his whole body flashed with thunder, and all the power of Tianzang's cultivation base was urged out.

Become Thunder!

Thunder sound protector!



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