Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5202: Open the second level of Zhenlong pile

By this time Xiao Yu had already been dozens of miles away.

He did not intend to go back first, but after absorbing the beast soul of the ice soul profound dragon.

Because he always carried some hatred towards Shennong Temple, he didn't want to go back so easily.

After all, although Shennong Temple is not the culprit, it is the initiator.

The Cen family has already been punished, and the rest are Tang Lu and Jia Qi from Yunsheng College.

But what Xiao Yu wanted most for revenge was the Shennong Temple.

In addition, he can't wait to start the second stage of the Dragon Stake.

Only when the second stage is turned on, his physical strength will rise to a higher level.

As for avoiding Leiyinshan's pursuit, Xiao Yu didn't care at all.

He has many ways to hide from Lei Yinshan's aura tracking.

At night, Xiao Yu searched a cliff cave to practice, and then entered the second world dimension.

In a short while, an ice-blue light group in the embryonic state of the Ice Soul Profound Dragon appeared in front of Xiao Yu.

It is impressively the beast of the ice soul profound dragon.

"The first layer of materials are all strong to strong. The second layer is based on this and even yin to cold materials to respond and stimulate my physical body."

Xiao Yu's physical body at this time was tempered by the most rigid materials.

So the physique of his dragon bloodline flesh body is a kind of stout attribute.

But it doesn't mean that after the second stimulus material, his physical body becomes a physical strength biased towards the cold attribute.

It's just that this extreme attribute power is used to stimulate the original attribute, and then elicit a stronger bloodline power.

Without saying anything, Xiao Yu immediately started to urge the Zhenlong pile.

The Dragon Stakes began to run in his body, and the power of the dragon clan in his flesh and blood began to brew and rise.

His whole body looked like a certain golden light, like a god.

At this time, Xiao Yu's breath had undergone certain changes, becoming more ancient, more domineering, and even carrying a certain ancient kingly aura.

He changed his body and suddenly became a human being of pure dragon blood.

If a strong person recognizes Xiao Yu's power, he will definitely be surprised.

The way humans practice the cultivation of monsters is not an anecdote, it is just very difficult, but it is not impossible.

But humans can actually awaken the power of pure monsters! ?

And even the bloodline has been changed!

This is unheard of!

Soon, the ice soul profound dragon turned into a stream of light, and then entered Xiao Yu's body.

After this icy blue streamer entered Xiao Yu's body, it immediately began to become violent with the movement of the Dragon Stake.


A kind of coldness that was deep into the bones and freezing the soul was born spontaneously. Xiao Yu seemed to feel like he was trapped in the ice of ten thousand years. That kind of coldness covered his entire body with a layer of frost.


Xiao Yu's body surface condensed into a thick layer of ice.

At the same time, his internal organs were completely frozen by this cold force.

The flesh and blood, muscles and bones, meridians, etc., are completely frozen.

However, Xiao Yu didn't resist this power, instead letting the ice soul profound dragon's beast erodes his own body.

The power of the dragon is gradually being called to this icy power.

Together with the feeling of freezing his soul.

Xiao Yu's consciousness became more and more blurred, and he seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

"I can't sleep! I must not sleep!" Xiao Yuqiang cheered up.

If he falls asleep, then his soul will be wiped out.

What he has to do is to survive this extreme cold force.


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