Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5209: Huachen

Sure enough, I saw Yu Jingqi walking over with a dozen disciples.

Yu Jingqi wins the snow in white clothes, she is so beautiful that she is immortal and ethereal, giving people a gesture of true and illusion.

Especially a pair of eyes, invisibly filled with some kind of Taoism, it is extremely peculiar.

"Her cultivation level seems to have improved a bit." Xiao Yu was a little surprised.

In fact, is Xiao Yu's impression of Yu Jingqi too deep?

And in the battle that day, what he could feel is that Yu Jingqi did not use her full strength.

There seems to be a powerful force in Yu Jingqi's body, which is very subtle.

And at every turn, Yu Jingqi has some kind of strange law and Tao in her body.

Afterwards, he recalled, could this be the so-called Law of Heaven?

In Xiao Yu's impression, there are two most powerful law forces in the world, time and space.

In addition to these two laws, many laws are naturally born.

The so-called law is the rule of the sky, and it is impossible to comprehend it if it is not a power.

Such as the sun, moon, mountains, rivers and lakes, a flower and a grass, a spark of fire, and even a grain of earth and rock, all have their own way.

The higher the level, the better Xiao Yu knew the truth of one flower, one world.

Therefore, he did not know that the so-called law of heaven was normal.

After all, the three sects are all inherited from some ancient traditions, and they are still very high planes.

Xiao Yu was involved in too few things, too narrow.

Even if it is a plane, he has not been to many.

Yu Jingqi had red lips and white teeth. After arriving, Deng Dongyang and Hua Chen stepped forward to say hello.

"Hehe, it turns out that the saint has also arrived, and I knew I was waiting to meet in the city." Deng Dongyang said with a smile, his eyes couldn't hide his coveting color.

Yu Jingqi's beauty is unique in the three major sects, and even in Shennong mainland.

Her breath was extremely powerful, and everyone in this ancient medicine hall felt a breath of fairy sounds.

Invisibly, the law that can move the world!

Yu Jingqi nodded slightly, saying hello.

Deng Dongyang smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

Deng Dongyang is a well-known playboy, who has played with many women.

Naturally, Yu Jingqi had heard of his name. If it weren't for the fact that his father was one of the top ten city masters of Shennong Continent, she wouldn't even look at it.

"Sister Jingqi, how good is Elder Congxin?"

Yu Jingqi looked over, and it was Hua Chen who was speaking.

There was only a slight smile on her face, and said: "Master Huachen has a heart, and his family is well."

Hua Chen's smile is like a spring breeze, and it is easy to give a good impression.

In addition, he was originally the son of Shennong Temple, possessing a transcendent talent and strength, and was reused by the Hua family.

Such a person, obviously compared to Deng Dongyang, not only has unlimited potential, but also the future.

But Yu Jingqi obviously didn't have much interest. Seeing Hua Chen, a figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

That figure was like a god, resisting all the arrogances with one person's strength, and even facing the Sect Master Leiyinshan, everyone was shocked to not speak out.

If Hua Chen is a bonfire in his eyes, that person is the moon in the sky, bright and radiant.

Hua Chen didn't have much interest seeing Yu Jingqi, a cold color flashed under his eyes, and he immediately recovered.

"Sister Jingqi, why don't we enter together." Hua Chen said with a smile.

Yu Jingqi nodded, and suddenly her heart moved and she suddenly looked towards a certain direction.

This breath is so familiar, could it be him! ?


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