Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5217: The reserve price is 100,000!

As soon as the Scarlet Dragon Kwai came out, almost everyone in the audience became excited, and the eyes of Xiaolong also glowed with rainbows.

Although the Sky Underworld Pearl is precious, it requires a great opportunity and a high level of talent to be able to get involved with the Sky Underworld Pearl.

Because even if a person with mediocre aptitude and no background in the Yuanpa Realm gets it, the Sky Mingzhu is just a hot potato.

Carrying it can only be seen and can't be ignored, and it can even cause a murderous disaster.

In the Shennong Continent, only Huachen, Yu Jingqi, Qingli, Deng Dongyang, and the three sects and other peerless Tianjiao have a greater opportunity to understand or integrate this Heavenly Pearl.

The other people are just poor people with countless gold and silver jewelry, and they are afraid of being tracked down, causing trouble.

It can only accumulate dust when left.

But the Red Blood Solanum is completely different.

The surface effect of the Red Blood Solanum is to help the realm of Tibetan Tao to directly increase a level realm.

But its potential effect is to make more people want to get it.

Usually almost all the heaven and earth elixir have great benefits for improving strength.

The realm of Tibetan Dao can be upgraded to a level, let alone the Yuan Soul Realm, the He Dao Realm, or the Huayu Realm?

However, if a person with low strength swallows an elixir with huge energy, it will be unable to absorb it and the energy will escape.

Of course this is considered light.

In most cases, it will explode and die.

This is why different levels can only swallow different levels of spirit pills.

You must not drink a tank of water as a child, you will choke to death if you don't hold it to death.

However, Red Blood Solanum is different.

Red-blooded Solanum is a kind of elixir of Yang attribute. After swallowing, it will turn into blood-like energy and lurking in the body, accumulating the power of its own blood.

The effect of this medicine is violent, but also mild.

Rage is because energy is a kind of strong yang power, which is a great tonic for flesh and blood practitioners.

Mild because there is no risk of body explosion.

Just because, the high-grade elixir of Scarlet Blood Solanum is known as the quasi fairy elixir!

One of the characteristics of the quasi-xian-product elixir is that it is born with a trace of wisdom, and the shape can transform the spirit!

Of course, this is not the most precious of Red Blood Solanum.

The most precious thing about the Scarlet-Blood Solanum lies in the will of some kind of dragon in it.

Legend has it that as long as the dragon race passes, it will leave its will.

After the heaven and earth elixir is absorbed, there will be the charm of the dragon clan in it.

As long as you absorb the Scarlet Blood Dragon Knife, you can understand the will of the Dragon Race.

Just because the dragon clan is the supreme beast that once appeared in the dragon god!

If you can get the Red Blood Dragon Kwai, then you will have the opportunity to comprehend the charm contained in the blood and memory of the dragon clan for thousands of years!

If you can comprehend these charms, then you have the opportunity to get involved in the position of the gods!

I saw that the white-haired old man in Ancient Medicine Hall smiled and turned his hand, and a **** elixir appeared in his hand immediately.

The elixir is as large as half a meter. If you look closely, the top of the elixir is a blooming flower, and the flower has the shadow of a dragon head in it.

At the same time, the other branches and leaves are like dragon's claws and long beards!

This is like a combination of the dragon and a flower!

In an instant, an extremely pure yang breath came out in the venue, and at the same time it carried a domineering atmosphere of a dragon.

This is the Red Blood Solanum!

The audience cheered up.

Especially in the few boxes below, the aura vibrates abnormally.

The breath on Xiaolong's body began to boil and burn, and if he hadn't tried to suppress it, someone would have cast his eyes.

Xiao Yu was relatively calm.

He didn't have a great desire for Scarlet Blood Dragon Kwai, it was because Xiao Long wanted it, he chose to shoot.

"Red-blooded Dragon Kwai is a rare high-grade elixir in the records of Mo Suhe and Elder Gongsun."

"Although its medicinal effect does not reach the real fairy product, it is very precious because it contains certain wills of the dragon race."

"Only Xiaolong and me are the most suitable for absorption."

Xiao Yu certainly wouldn't compete with Xiaolong, but he thought of something else.

"If I add other supplementary materials and refine them into a heavenly spirit pill, it will help the dragon to absorb it better."

As I thought about it, the Scarlet Blood Dragon Kwai was soon put on auction.

"The auction of Scarlet Blood Dragon Kwai has started, the low price is 100,000!" said the white-haired old man.

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.


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