Shura God Emperor

Chapter 5221: Why don't I challenge

Just see.

Gu Chang's vitality exploded to the extreme, his whole body began to swell, and his whole body was raised by three feet.


At the back, he looked like a giant ape.

"It's the blood ape! It is said that Gu Chan practices the method of the blood ape!" someone exclaimed.

Blood Ape, this is a kind of demonic beast of the earth. Although it is not very high, the power of the ape-like beast is the most suitable for humans.

Therefore, the method of cultivating the body of apes will naturally be more powerful.

Gu Chang's cultivation base of human beings can actually explode with aura power comparable to that of the Tibetans, which is really terrifying.

But in the face of such oppression, Hua Chen carried his hands on his back, and didn't look anxious at all.

Hua Chen looked at the other two, smiled softly, and said, "How about you?"

Wen Yixiu changed his temperament just now, his sword aura was vertical and horizontal, and his whole person was like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

Countless heaven and earth spiritual power began to gather crazily, forming a huge sword cover all over him.

Qiu Yi's eyes were also dazzling, he didn't talk nonsense, and a terrifying tornado energy suddenly formed all over his body.

The breath of the three of them was surging to the extreme, and everyone in the distance couldn't help holding their breath.

This is a symbol of the power of the first-class powerhouse in Shennong Continent!

"Hahaha! It didn't take long for Huamou to return to Shennong Continent, so I can verify how different the practitioners on the mainland are from those outside."

Having said that, Hua Chen's energy broke out to the extreme. With him as the center, a terrifying oppression formed within a kilometer.

The faces of Gu Chang, Qiu Yi, and Wen Yixiu all became slightly solemn.

The momentum of the three of them was suddenly suppressed.

As expected of the peerless genius of the Hua family!

Even the people in the distance couldn't help taking a breath.

It was just Hua Chen's aura alone, and it crushed three people!


The three screamed in unison, then violently violently at the same time, and began to rush towards Hua Chen.

"Boom boom boom!"

In midair, there were bursts of crazy collisions.

Numerous fluctuations began to surging out, constantly spreading in the air over a kilometer.

Hua Chen was able to survive the three battles.

From the beginning of the tie, the strength slowly revealed from the back, and then took the upper hand, and then rolled back.

After twenty or thirty rounds, Gu Chang, Wen Yixiu, and Qiu Yi were immediately forced to retreat thousands of meters.

"This Huachen is too strong! At the beginning, he just urged people to hide his cultivation base, and he could tie it!"

"Yes! When he fully mobilized the Ksitigarbha power, they are not his opponents at all!"

When those younger generations saw it, they finally knew what it meant to be stunning and stunning.

"I am afraid that even Jiang Zhong is not his opponent?" A young man exclaimed.

The other person snorted coldly and said, "What is Jiang Zhong? He has the Thunder God Mark and the body of Thunder Sound. This kind of physique is simply the double care of heaven, but in the end it is not deprived of Thunder Sound body. ?"

"That's not the case. Hua Chen doesn't come out. He is the first genius in Shennong Continent, and he just doesn't have the resources like Hua Chen."

"In my opinion, if it wasn't for that kid who suddenly shot out, who could stop Jiang Zhong?"

When everyone thought about the Canglan River, they suddenly gasped.

The story of the Ice Soul Xuanlong had already spread throughout the Shennong Continent.

At such a young age, he can resist Sect Master Leiyinshan, that is the existence of Xianzang!

"If the Canglanjiang kid is here, I don't know who is better at him or Hua Chen?" Someone blurted out.

Many people are speculating.

At this moment, Hua Chen punched out, and the three of them were shaken back 100 meters, with blood overflowing at the corners of their mouths.

"Do you still want to fight?" Hua Chen stood proudly in the air with a domineering attitude.

Gu Chang and the other three bit their silver teeth angrily.

Although they didn't use their full strength, they also knew that the result of fighting like this would not be too good.

As soon as I saw it, Hua Chen scanned the valley with a punch and said proudly: "If anyone wants Scarlet-Blood Dragon Knee, he can stand up. If I win, I will give in."

Everyone was shocked.

What an arrogant arrogance!

Is this the background of Huachen?

But people do have this proud qualification!

At this moment, a voice remembered.

"It's better for me to challenge."


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