Shura God Emperor

Chapter 539: I don’t sell this face

"It's on the bar, it's really on the bar this time."

Many people talked with the attitude of watching a theater.

Xiao Yu had already expected such a result, so he didn't care, and the tunnel shouted, "800,000."

"Nine hundred thousand!"

"one million!"

For two people, each price increase is a 100,000 increase, and the atmosphere of the venue is ignited in an instant.

The two of them are bidding, and they really are bidding each other!

Is this gambling mentality so big?

You know, this tattered parchment, although it is possible to find the so-called burning fire, it does not necessarily mean success!

That's a million! More expensive than the four-tailed snow fox just now!

Of course, it was other people's money that was spent, and it was them who watched the show, and of course they would.

One million, this is already a considerable number, and Zhang Qing's face is even more gloomy.

If you say that the other party is cautious and raises the price of one to two ten thousand twenty thousand, it means that you have limited love for this parchment and just want to gamble.

But now, like myself, one hundred thousand and one hundred thousand will be added. There are two possibilities.

The first is that this person also knows the true situation of the burning fire, which is the same as his own purpose.

The second is to fight against yourself.

It's not that Zhang Qing can't take out one million, but this parchment is one of the ways he can repair Jiang Ming's arm, but it's not absolute.

His ultimate goal is also the Fourth Grade Sword Formation!

It's true that Zhang Qing is an alchemist, but he is mainly an array mage!

He stayed in the third-rank formation for too long, and for so many years he still couldn't condense the fourth-rank formation, so he needed to learn from this sword formation to give him a kind of epiphany inspiration.

Therefore, this parchment is not worth the green spirit pill that he talks too much, but does it mean he is giving up? the answer is negative.

Even if there is a little hope, and it is still in front of his eyes, he absolutely can't let it go.

Zhang Qing coldly shouted: "1.2 million!"

"1.2 million?"

This time I added 200,000 directly!

"Hey, it's getting more and more exciting."

"Add, it's best to continue adding, and see who is the most uncomfortable."

Xiao Yu calmly said, "One and a half million."

Originally thought Xiao Yu was going to give up, but even the auctioneer himself was a little surprised when he shouted out this one and a half million.

In his estimation, one million is already the limit, but now someone has made such a big bet for this tattered parchment.

Zhang Qing's face was gloomy and terrifying, and a murderous intent permeated out unconsciously.

"This friend, how about selling me Zhang Qing's face?"

No one thought that Zhang Qing would report to his family!

"It turned out to be Zhang Qing!"

"I thought it might be his."

"Unexpectedly, Zhang Qing is also anxious, he is determined to get this parchment!"

On the other side, Liu Qingping and his son, who had been watching the show in silence, were surprised in their hearts.

Zhang Qing had some friendship with them, and the two father and son looked at each other.

"Father, I heard that Zhang Qing has been unable to condense the fourth-rank formation. I think he should be determined to win this fourth-rank sword formation."

"He is not the only one who is determined to win. I have been observing for a long time, and there are some people who have never spoken. They are also for the Fourth Grade Sword Formation."

Liu Yi said solemnly: "Could it be Sun Wu and the others?"

"No, Sun Wu and the three of them have been discussing things with the black master recently. They will not appear here. If I guess right, in addition to the black master, Sun Wu and other masters in the Southern Territory this time, The top ten are basically here."

Liu Yi's eyes grew gloomy, and said, "Are you ranking in the top ten? That was before, and we are not afraid now. If anyone dares to stop us, no one will speak affectionately!"

"Well, it's up to them to make trouble. The bigger they make trouble, the better, the fewer people will target the fourth-grade sword formation."

Back on the field, Zhang Qing had already reported his family, and there was no need for him to deliberately change his voice.

What I have to say is that this Zhang Qing is really courageous, of course he also has the background, and the first mages in the Southern Territory are not in vain.

With Zhang Qing's contacts, many people have some friendship with him.

And now, Zhang Qing is telling them: This is my Zhang Qing's thing, if you want to fight me, you try!

Xiao Yu didn't change his face, and said lightly: "I'm sorry, I am used to being alone, so I don't know how to make friends. I don't sell this face."

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