Shura God Emperor

Chapter 807: The plan behind the queen (part 2)

The ghost gate is the scourge of their Chenbei Dynasty! But now?

The ghost gate was about to invade Xicheng, and the queen was not in a hurry. At the same time, her tone seemed to hope Xiao Yu would be killed by the ghost gate people.

When Xiao Yu was killed, Xicheng would be reduced to a vassal of the ghost gate, and then he would go north to invade the capital!

Why don't you worry?

"Isn't there other princes and princesses who are invading the capital? Xiao Mingzi, this is not something you worry about."

"Yes, mother."

Xiao Mingzi was still worried, and asked, "Then Xiao Yu..."

The queen's eyes flashed with a strange light, and she said coldly: "Don't worry, he won't have his life to come back from the palace. Even if he comes back, the palace guarantees that the Chenbei Dynasty is his burial place. !"

As soon as these words fell, there was a gloomy atmosphere in the whole hall, and even Xiao Mingzi's back instantly became cold.

Kneeling Zheng Jian felt even more shocked in his heart, as if being surrounded by the cold in the dark night, feeling unable to move.

"Retreat!" The queen put away this momentum and waved lightly.

Xiao Mingzi retired with Zheng Jian. Outside the palace, Xiao Mingzi never spoke.

"Duke Ming, what's wrong?"

Xiao Mingzi wanted to speak but stopped. Zheng Jian, a master of Tianfumen, knows words and colors best. When he walked to a slightly secluded room, Zheng Jian whispered: "Duke Ming is thinking about the queen and the empress?"

Xiao Mingzi frowned and said nothing.

Zheng Jian said: "Although his subordinates have been stationed in the Xisha Region for a long time, after returning, they found that the empress did have some changes."

"Oh? How to say?"

Zheng Jian thought for a while, and said: "I heard that Empress was a folk woman brought back by the king when he was out on tour..."

"Shhh..." Xiao Mingzi's face changed drastically, and he quickly told him not to speak so loudly.

"Are you going to die? The birth of the empress is a taboo in the court, and it cannot be said, otherwise you will have to beheaded!"

Zheng Jian lowered his voice again and said, "Ming Gonggong, listen to me. You said that the empress is a weak woman and has no identity background. How can she sit in the queen seat?

Xiao Mingzi frowned, and said: "You said that, I find it strange that the queen empress has been on the throne with a piece of imperial decree for more than ten years, and then directly announced that the king has been closed for more than ten years. Announcing the establishment of Tianfu Gate, the king seems to have disappeared over the years."

"I've heard of this too, don't those princes and princesses doubt it?"

Xiao Mingzi shook his head and said: "You don't understand. The prince who was extremely talented at that time was either recruited by the sect as a minor or went out to practice. They didn't even know about it. Besides, the world of Nine Heavens is respected by martial arts. How could they care about the rights struggle of a dynasty?"

"That's right, but has the Queen Mother so far given birth to a prince?"

Xiao Mingzi shook his head and said, "No, even the prince was born to one of the empresses. The queen has no heirs."

The two frowned. Although this matter seemed to be a logical matter, they always felt something was wrong.

"By the way, did Duke Ming feel it just now? The breath of the queen empress..." Zheng Jian took a deep breath and said.

Xiao Mingzi was also shocked when he heard this, and said: "You are right. I have been around Niang Niang for more than ten years, and I haven't felt this kind of breath. It's like... I don't seem to be an ordinary person, but she clearly doesn't cultivate. The breath of the person."

"Forget it, the palace is treacherous, we don't know many things, even I don't know now, the queen and the empress are so disregarded for the life and death of these princes, we just do our own thing."


On the other side, in the huge palace, after Xiao Mingzi and Zheng Jian left, the queen still sat in the hall.

After a while, the queen said indifferently: "No one is there, come out."

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