Shura God Emperor

Chapter 823: Go to the ghost gate alone

Xiao Yu was furious, and his mind moved again. This time, Zong Hong's other hand and the other leg, this time directly Qi Gen was cut off.

The blood flowed to the point where he was lying down, and Zong Hong almost fainted.


All the people like Erwei gasped in an instant. How could this be forcing a confession? This is simply dismemberment!

Erwei's face was also very ugly, and said: "It's not good, it seems that Guna is in danger!"

Xiao Yu no longer had any patience at this time, because the longer time dragged on, the more dangerous Guna became.

"Boy, it looks like you... you are very nervous, Guna, I... I tell you, if you... don't go, she... she's going to die, hahaha!"

As soon as the voice fell, Er Wei's face became more sordid, and in the end, there was a feeling of death.


Xiao Yu's eyes were stunned. On this occasion, it seemed too familiar, that's right, he blew himself up!

I saw that Zong Hong's whole body turned red, and then quickly collided, terrifying energy was constantly gathering.

No matter how Erwei is injured, he is also a master at the early stage of the Void Pill Realm. This kind of rapid expansion and compression of energy, even if he feels it, his face changed, and he quickly roared: "Go!"

"Hahaha! Die!"

At this time Xiao Yu could no longer leave. Zong Hong exploded with a bang. He originally thought that this kind of explosion would razed 100 meters to the ground, but who knew that this kind of explosion was actually compressed in one place. Within a space of about one meter.

"The same blew up, do you want to do it a second time?" Xiao Yu snorted coldly.

It turned out that this kind of space was a narrow and compressed space formed by Xiao Yu's soul power.

Because the last time he faced the Wind Guardian, the opponent used a self-detonation to kill him with Xiao Yu before he died, and this time, Xiao Yu was of course a good student, and he was prepared for it early.

I saw the self-detonating energy, shaking constantly in the space, and then returning to nothingness.

The phantom array disappeared, Zong Hong also died, and as a result, it was even more ignorant of Guna's whereabouts.

"Are you all right?" Er Wei and other elders rushed over.

Xiao Yu immediately told them about Gu Na.

"What are you talking about? In this way, it is certain that Guna is in the sub-rudder of the ghost gate at the old site!"

"But the sub-rudder of the ghost gate, besides the sub-rudder who has not yet shown his face, there is also Mu Shen..."

At this time, a young native hurried over and said: "Elder, I just heard your conversation. I don't know if there is something important."

This aboriginal is considered to be a talented one in their clan, it should be that he heard the news that Xiao Yu told them about Guna's arrest just now.

"Ajie, what's the matter?"

"I was guarding the passage and rushed back after receiving the news, but before I came back, I sensed a lot of the breath of the ghost gate towards the direction of Xicheng, one of which was very powerful, even more powerful than The Great Elder is even stronger!"

Having said this, Ajie glanced at Xiao Yu, swallowed his throat, and said, "I guess it should be the other guardian you mentioned, leading the remaining ghost masters to attack Xicheng."

Xiao Yu squinted his eyes and shot out some sharp lights. He asked, "How many people are there in the sub-rudder at the old site, Guimingmen?"

"About two thousand people...Zong Hong brought out one thousand people, and the other half, it is very likely that Mu Chen brought it!"

The elders like Er Wei were also anxious.

If Xicheng is attacked by Mu Shen, then Yixi City’s defenses, with the strength of the people like the ghost gate, may soon be looted!

"You go back, Guna will be rescued by our elders," Er Wei said.

The other elders also showed expressions of death.

"Yes, Guna has always been a member of our tribe, and we have an obligation to save her!"

"Yes, even if it is dead, we must save Guna out, because we forced her away, and we owe her!"

Xiao Yu saw that these elders were united from the bottom of their hearts, and thought that at last they were not in vain.

"Guna is your tribe and my friend, you just need to settle down with your tribe."

"Nasi City..."

Xicheng is your place!

Xiao Yu said: "Xicheng don't worry, they can still persist until I come back."

Everyone was shocked, did this kid have other arrangements?

And looking at his tone, it seemed that he could come back from the sub-rudder of the ghost gate!

Xiao Yu didn't say anything, turned around and headed towards the back mountain of the tribe.

I don't know what happened. Looking at this figure from behind, Erwei and others felt a kind of tall.

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