Shura God Emperor

Chapter 825: Corpse Army (Part 2)

According to legend, the spirit banner is a tool for those insidious practitioners who specialize in refining the dead, or souls, and then get trapped in the spirit banner, and then used in battle.

Xiao Yu's face was full of murderous intent. In other words, the corpse soldiers of the spirit-calling banners were originally large living people, but they were tortured and refined by some insidious secret method and became a kind of murderous puppet tool.

"Cross into my ghost and underworld sacred place, no matter what you kill!" Little Sangsen said coldly.

This word came out of Xiao Sang's mouth, extremely cold, it didn't seem like an ordinary little girl said.

The more this happened, the more Xiao Yu wanted to rescue Xiao Sang.

As soon as Xiao Sang's words fell, before suddenly, the eyes of the three corpse soldiers flashed with a strange red light, and then turned into three black winds and swept towards Xiao Yu.

The three corpse soldiers came to Xiao Yu's face in the blink of an eye. Then, the white light flickered, and the long sword that exuded the cold air slashed towards Xiao Yu in an instant.

The yin wind screamed, and the cold light burst out, as if Xiao Yu could be divided into corpses.

Xiao Yu urged the Heavenly Collapsing God Flash Art, flashing light three times, and then dodged.

At the moment of dodge just now, Xiao Yu clearly felt that the long swords of these three corpse soldiers had a kind of sucking power.

"This sword is weird!"

Xiao Yu immediately made a judgment in his heart.

"If I guessed right, if I was touched by these swords to my body, it is very likely that I would be sucked in by the spirit banners and refined!"

Generally speaking, the spirit banner is also a kind of weapon, but it is also a kind of "infernal weapon" outside of the weapon. It is conceivable that the power of this weapon can never be dealt with with ordinary experience.

The three corpse soldiers seemed to have life. After their offensive went to the air, the three corpse soldiers were ordered to kill Xiao Yu between Xiao Sang's wave of hands.

Three sharp rays of light stabbed over with a large amount of corpse air, the speed is as fast as a thunderbolt.

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed. He guessed that the strength of these three corpse soldiers was very likely to be in the early stage of the virtual pill realm!

Otherwise, this kind of combat experience, even if it is refined into a corpse soldier, that kind of killing intent and aura, are not comparable to ordinary pill formation realm powerhouses.

Besieging on three sides, Xiao Yu's robe waved, his heart stunned, and one foot was on the ground.


A blood-red force, like a tornado swept across, swept up from the soles of Xiao Yu's feet in a whirling posture.

"Keng Keng!"

The three long swords, Li Mang, immediately stabbed on the blood-colored tornado, and even stalemate.

These powers were surprisingly Xiao Yu's heavenly desolate power.


Xiao Sang only heard a cold snort, and said, "No one can resist our ghostly soul-calling array!"

Xiao Sang's hand raised again, and then the overwhelming black mist poured into the three corpse soldiers.

The black mist is the power of the corpse. As soon as it poured into the long sword, the white light of these long swords flickered, making people seem to see the thick bones, and the heart is cold.

Immediately afterwards, the three-handed forest white long sword seemed to have life. The power of the corpse was so strong that it was about to pierce the tornado defense formed by the power of Xiao Yu.



Xiao Yu frowned. The power of the corpse was really terrifying, and there was a sign of breaking the defensive cover of his heavenly divine power and blood.


As Xiao Yu thought about it, those three gloomy swords directly pierced the defensive cover and assassinated his body.

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