Shura God Emperor

Chapter 827: Flame ghost

"Hahaha! Boy, do you think you can wipe me out by doing this? Don't think about it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Sang grinned grimly, only to see that she waved the hoisting flag in her hand again, and this time, what was different was that the hoisting flag spewed out a large flame under her dancing.


The yin wind screamed, and the flames burst out at the same time, turning into flame ghosts, shrouding Xiao Yu.

"Not good! He used the fire seed power in Xiao Sang's body!"

Xiao Yu's face changed slightly. Above this kind of ghost, there was the power of this flame attribute at the same time, and at the same time contained the power of the corpse. The superposition of the two, yes these ghosts are stronger than those of the corpse soldiers. Great!

Dozens of flame ghosts rushed out of the soul-recruiting banner, and Xiao Yu was shocked. How many people did the soul-recruiting banner kill before he could possess so many souls?


The deceased deserves peace, but the sinister and vicious things like the ghost gate actually refine the cultivator into this kind of masterless puppet tool.

"Boom boom boom!"

Xiao Yu kept urging Tianhuang's divine power, and constantly blasting it out. His fist turned into thousands of fist shadows, which contained the urging of the ultimate strength of the Wild Bull Tyrant Body.

The entire illusion array space is filled with violent energy and blood.

But what surprised Xiao Yu was that these flame ghosts, when Xiao Yu's fist had to fall on them every time, they escaped.

"how is this possible?"

Or to put it this way, Xiao Yu's dozens of punches all failed.

"This..." Xiao Yu was surprised.

He had never encountered such a situation before. You must know that Xiao Yu himself has a state of mind and soul, and coupled with this phantom formation is under his control, how could his attack be lost?

"Hahaha! Boy, you can't attack my corpse soldier, but I can kill you!"

Xiao Sang grinned, his hands danced again, and these flame ghosts rushed towards Xiao Yu again.

The flame power brought by the Seed of Fire was terrifying, and coupled with the power of the corpse soldiers, Xiao Yu dodged from left to right, looking very embarrassed.

"Can't go on like this, but what is the reason?"

While he was thinking about it, suddenly there was no flame and ghost, and Xiao Yu couldn't dodge and was knocked into the air by several meters.

Suddenly, in this moment of effort, Xiao Yu's mind fluctuated a little.

"No, the fluctuating connection just now was burning parchment?"

The parchment was in his mind, it showed the whereabouts of the burning fire, and at the same time it was connected with the seed of fire.

The flame power of these ghosts is a fusion of the fire seed power in Xiao Sang's body, so it is normal for Xiao Yu to react when he touches Xiao Yu's body.

But this is also abnormal.

He had a flash of inspiration and said, "I understand!"

"Because of the indirect connection between me and Xiao Sang the Seed of Fire, I always put my thoughts on the parchment paper, which caused him to sense my actions and escape my attack!"

Xiao Yu finally understood why, there was that strange feeling just now, and he also understood why all his attacks failed, and none of them fell on these ghouls and ghosts.

It turned out that it was Xiao Sang and the soul who controlled Xiao Sang, because "he" also sensed a certain connection between Xiao Sang and himself.

In other words, through the seed of fire in Xiao Sang's body, he then connected and sensed the movement of the parchment in Xiao Yu's body, and then captured Xiao Yu's every move.

It's no wonder that all my offensives have failed, because I have insight into my own ideas!

"That's it, that's it..."

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and he already has a countermeasure...

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