Shura God Emperor

Chapter 832: Destroy

The huge beast head swallowed Xiao Yu in the blink of an eye, but Xiao Yu could not move.

In the body of the giant beast, the world is full of blood.

Xiao Yu's arm shook, and the sound of "buzzing" was suddenly remembered, especially on his right arm, the Asura Divine Mark appeared.

People, ghosts and gods, with three heads and six arms, appeared out across the sea and mountains.

The dazzling red and black light poured a magical color on the originally black **** pattern.


The power of Shura was like a hundred rivers to the East China Sea, and the majestic aura poured into Xiao Yu's hands and feet.

"Boom boom!"

The eight blood-colored iron chains, without exception, all smashed in the past, and then Xiao Yu punched and blasted toward the space. The mighty force, like a terrible tornado hurricane, can crush the mountains and mountains. He Tao , One punch is to blast the body of this giant beast into slag.


The rudder master suddenly trembled, and his behemoth could even be swallowed in the late stage of the virtual pill realm!

In addition, the blood soul lock was locked, and this kid was able to break it out with strength!

How is this possible?

At this time, Xiao Yu's long hair was fluttering, and his whole body was full of black and red energy aura. At the same time, the desolate divine power on his body was also mobilized to the extreme.

The body of the young man is like a giant who smashed a **** path from the desolate ancient forest. The kind of domineering power contained in it is really moving.

Xiao Yu didn't speak, he shook his hand, and the power of Shura was like a small black and red sun in his hand.

"Boom boom boom!"

Xiao Yu's fist was overwhelmingly powerful, as if the sky had fallen, and the violent stormy posture killed him. In a short time, Shura's fist was blasted out of a dozen punches.

The sub-rudder's face was startled, and he also urged the power of the huge corpse to collide.

The entire hall of the sub-rudder, because it could not bear the horrible force of the two people, finally broke away, with a radius of 800 meters, and even because of the offensive collision of the two people, it was flat.

The master of the rudder was shocked, his current realm, but the virtual pill realm is small!

This kid is no more than the peak of Pill Formation Stage!

How could it be possible to confront yourself to this point?

This is a full jump to four levels! It also crossed a realm!

Astonishing power, every time it encounters each other, the space has to be distorted. The anger in Xiao Yu's heart, accompanied by the wild divine power of the sky, will blast the opponent away without any effort.

The black-red energy fluctuations, and the blood-red color of the power of the corpse, constantly collided under the sky, and exploded.

Even Erwei and the others, who were a thousand meters away, were all shocked by the past.

"What a terrifying power, is it that he has already battled with the sub-rudder of the ghost door?" The elder Yigan looked up and was moved.

I am afraid that in the entire Xisha Region, only the battle between the two of them can cause such a big fluctuation!

"We are a kilometer away from the battle ring, this breath, at least is the virtual pill realm small perfection!" One of the elders looked difficult.

The virtual pill realm is perfect! You don't need to think that it is not Xiao Yu's, so they are extremely worried.


One of the elders exclaimed, and everyone looked far away again, becoming even more worried.

Back on the battlefield, Xiao Yu's Asura power burst out one after another, and that fist, like a deep dragon coming out, crushed it like a broken bamboo.

The sub-rudder master was surprised to find that he actually had a vaguely disadvantaged feeling.

"Impossible! How could I lose to such a kid!"

"Boy, you angered me!!"

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