Shura God Emperor

Chapter 840: Return of the boy

When the two felt that they were about to be defeated, a cold voice suddenly remembered that in front of Zhao Hongli and Wu Chen, a giant gate with three ghost faces suddenly appeared.

Mu Shen's palms slammed on the Raksha Gate in an instant.

The power of this palm was powerful, but it only smashed Xiao Yu's first Raksha Gate to pieces, and could not even touch the second floor.

Zhao Hongli and Wu Chen were taken aback by this familiar breath of gods, and the eyes of Ruan Yi and others who were not far away lit up.

"It's Xiao Yu!"

The light burst out unexpectedly from hundreds of meters, and in the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of Mu Shen.

Feeling such a familiar breath, Mu Shen's face was startled, and he immediately grinned: "Boy, it's you!!"

"Xiao Yu!"

Zhao Hongli and Wu Chen came to Xiao Yu's side. Originally, Zhao Hongli thought that Xiao Yu was going to face the sub-rudder of the Ghost Underworld alone, it would be more fortunate, but now Xiao Yu is back, which makes him feel the most Surprisingly, when Xiao Yu, compared to when he left, he actually improved two levels!

Early stage of virtual pill realm!

Wu Chen was even more shocked. He remembered that when Xiao Yu left, he was only in the pill formation! But now? The early stage of the virtual pill realm!

And that kind of temperament on his body, that kind of calm atmosphere like Mount Tai, it's almost like a different person.

He finally believed that this boy has not fooled him from the beginning until now. This boy really has this strength and talent!

At this time, the Guimingmen's army had already smashed into Xicheng, and all the generals, as well as those with guards who could fight, stood up.

However, there are too many people in the ghost gate, and there are even a thousand people. They are like some pervasive mice, constantly destroying Xicheng, killing people when they see them.

West City has been destroyed by a third, and many innocent people have died here.

But what Wu Chen brought were all masters, and there were not many people. No matter how powerful they were, they needed to be consumed.

The battle seemed to have been in a stalemate for a long time, and there were still seven or eight hundred people left in the Guimingmen's army, and Huwu and others seemed to be fighting desperately to minimize casualties.

They saw Xiao Yu coming, and all of them came to Xiao Yu's side.

"Are you all right?"

Xiao Yu looked around them. Although these people weren't born and died with him, they had worked with him step by step in the Southern Territory. There were no casualties, and Xiao Yu was already quite satisfied.

"They are too many people, and they are all desperate. Once they are about to be killed, they will choose to blew themselves." Gu Feng said in a deep voice.

The power of self-detonation can definitely increase several levels. Once you don't run away, you will easily get injured and all your eyes will die.

All the guards in Xicheng faced the ghosts and ghosts like wolves and tigers, killing people without blinking, all of them had scalp tingling.

They all say that the ghost gate is powerful, but only when they really meet, they know their terrible things, they are not afraid of death at all, and they are not enough at the same level.


When Mu Chen saw a group of people gathered here, he laughed wildly: "It's just right to be all together. Anyway, no one of you can escape today, especially you, kid, you ran away last time. This time, I see how you are. escape!"

"Escape? I didn't want to escape."

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "Even your sub-rudder was killed by me, why should I run?"

"What are you talking about?" Mu Shen's expression changed, and the other Ghost Sect people also changed their expressions.

Not only them, but even Zhao Hongli and the others behind Xiao Yu were surprised.

The sub-rudder of the ghost gate was killed?

Xiao Yu alone?

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