Shura God Emperor

Chapter 856: What if i say no

The area within a hundred meters was violently shaking, and then a black giant snake broke out of the ground from the surface and underground, and swallowed Xiao Yu in one bite.

"Xiao Yu!"

At first everyone saw that someone could save them, but now, even this young man will be killed?

Tang Yiguo's complexion changed drastically, and the soldiers on the entire field instantly turned pale.

It was like seeing the sun hidden by dark clouds, but only exposed for a second and then returned to the dark clouds.

The giant snake rose from the ground to the sky, surrounded by three people so big, and reaching fifty meters in length.

Black air diffused out of the mud, and a figure broke through the ground immediately.

This man was very young, about 20 or 30 years old, and his face was sickly pale, and if it weren't for his Adam's apple, he would really think he was a woman.

"Hehe, I said, there is no escape from what I am fancy." The young man stared at the huge tongue with a smile, with a look of greed in his eyes.

"Fancy me, I'm afraid you can't pay the price!"

"It's the voice of the boy!"

Everyone's originally gloomy eyes immediately became divine, and Tang Yiguo's eyes also lit up. It can't be wrong, it was Xiao Yu's voice! Xiao Yu is not dead!


At this moment, the snake's head in mid-air suddenly felt a little painful, and its mouth was slowly opening.

It is not so much that it is opening slowly, it is more that it is slowly being opened, and then a figure is gradually revealed.

It's Xiao Yu!

I saw that Xiao Yu was grasping the upper and lower jaws of the tongue with both hands, and was smashing it in both directions.

"Split me!"

Xiao Yu shouted angrily, his arm energized, and his arm suddenly increased by three points. The colleague whose veins violently jumped, the power of blood and blood also sprayed out like a volcanic eruption.


With a scream of screams, the snake's head and jaws were broken in half, and the snake's body, which spread to several meters, seemed to be divided.

The giant snake lost its breath, and Xiao Yu also fell. The blood-red power of his blood rose up like smoke, his eyes cold as if he could swallow and kill.

The young man's eyes no longer had that kind of playfulness, but a kind of cold light was added.

"Young man, decades have passed, and this seat hasn't been so full for a long time. For so many years, you are the most unexpected person in this seat."

The young man's words were taken aback by the soldiers around him.

This person has lived for decades? But it doesn't look like it! what happened?

They didn't know the reason, but Xiao Yu had obviously guessed it. His face was gloomy, and his murderous intent rose up and said: "Then you mean, in the past few decades, many people have died under your hands?"

"That's right, you even understand. Yes, the so-called maintenance of the current life and appearance of this seat is all provided by those small people for the refining of this seat."

This young man was proud of his expression, and the greedy color in his eyes became full, saying: "But young man, this seat is only refining you into a golden corpse puppet, and half of the soul will be left for you. Take control yourself, this is already a special treatment for you, you should cherish it."

"Then should I thank you?" Xiao Yu said in a deep voice.

"Jie Jie, thank you no need. After our sect master annexed the Chenbei Dynasty, everyone here will become our prey, and this seat will not treat you badly."

"Tsk tsk, and I'm not afraid to tell you," the young man glanced at the surrounding soldiers who were afraid of him, and said: "The Chenbei Dynasty is already under the control of our sect master. It won't be long before the sect master returns to the top. Everyone here will become our sacrifice."

This strange tone of yin and yang, as well as the content of the words, made everyone's expressions change drastically.

Guimingmen want to annex Chenbei Dynasty? And it seems that they are already ready to deal with the Chenbei Dynasty?

After Tang Yiguo listened, his expression changed drastically. If this matter was true, then their Chenbei Dynasty would be in danger!

Seeing Xiao Yu's head calm, the young man then sneered: "Those who know the current affairs are brilliant. These people are no different from the dead in my eyes. Young people, you have to think carefully."

All the generals and soldiers looked at Xiao Yu and waited for Xiao Yu's answer.

"What if I say no?"

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