Shura God Emperor

Chapter 868: Climbing the Wall

Above the city wall, a row of archers suddenly appeared. These archers were all in full bows. If you look closely, you can find that above these arrows, some light is shining.

These archers are not ordinary soldiers, they are cultivators!

Rows of archers lined up on the city wall, and there were dozens of them, all of them aimed at Xiao Yu below.

For them, the young man below is not only a betrayer of the dynasty, but also a huge threat like a monster. Their duty is to guard the city wall, and no enemy can approach it.

"I said one last time, open the city gate!!!" Xiao Yu let out an anger, and his voice sounded in the air like a muffled thunder.

After listening to the soldiers, they felt that their souls were shaken away, and their faces changed drastically.

"Shoot!" Father Ming was also angry.

In the capital, he also exists under one person and above ten thousand. This kid, regardless of his majesty and situation, dares to be so presumptuous, and that is looking for death.

He gave an order, and all the archers on the wall died full of bows and arrows.


The dense rain of arrows shot at Xiao Yu below like a torrential rain, and the sound of wind breaking in the air seemed to tear space apart.

Xiao Yu raised his head, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and stared at Ming and justice: "Your dog is indeed loyal, but you have followed the wrong master!"

As soon as he finished his words, Xiao Yu stamped his foot on the ground again. This time, the Heavenly Fallen Divine Flash Secret Art suddenly exploded from the bottom of his feet, and his whole body was like a burst of golden light, as if he moved further above the city wall.

Although Xiao Yu had no affection for the queen and certain heirs, he was always a member of the Chenbei Dynasty, and he still had friendship with the princesses of the royal family, so he did not choose to attack the city gate head-on.

What are the difficulties and difficulties to attack the city gate? However, the restoration of the city gate afterwards will definitely take a lot of time. Xiao Yu still has feelings for the Chenbei Dynasty in his heart, otherwise, how could he fight these ants?

Of course, the city wall is also special, and it will take a while to break through, so Xiao Yu chooses the fastest way.

Xiao Yu in the air flipped his hand to hold the Seven-Star Sword, and the starlight burst into a sky full of sword energy, shrouded in a gesture of sweeping thousands of troops.

"Keng Keng Keng!"

When facing the Seven-Star Sword, these arrows were like broken copper and rotten iron and cabbage tofu, all of which were turned into fragments and scattered on the ground.

With the help of the sky collapse **** flash tactic, Xiao Yu was already on half of the city wall.

Obviously, it is impossible for Xiao Yu to make such a leap directly on the city wall tens of meters high, so when Xiao Yu was on half of the wall, his toes were on the wall, and the Heavenly Fallen God Flash Secret Art burst again. With the force of recoil, Xiao Yu jumped up again.

"Quick! The spearman is ready!" Ming Gong shouted.

The archer stepped back, and the spearman had already switched teams in the back row. Of course, the power of these spears was not comparable to that of arrows. Under a rough feeling, they were all three-tier treasures.


The spear was thrown down again, and this time, Xiao Yu gave a cold snort, the sword light flashed, and the sharp sword connoted the vast starlight slashed up again.

With the same result, the spear turned into powder again, and at the same time Xiao Yu's sword intent was too powerful. The soldiers on the wall had all cut their arms, blood drenched, and backed one after another.

At this moment, they were also on the city wall, and when the soldiers saw such a wicked kid, all of them retreated.

"Xiao Yu, you are so brave, you dare to break through the gates of the city, you should be punished for your crimes!" Duke Ming said angrily when he saw this.

Xiao Yu snorted coldly: "If you are not a man or a woman, since you want to be a loyal word, then I will shoot you as a dead dog!"

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