Shura God Emperor

Chapter 870: You are just a dog!

When everyone heard this, they felt chills in their hearts. This young man was really terrifying.

You know, that is the peak of the pill formation stage, the early stage of the virtual pill stage, and the middle stage of the virtual pill stage!

And these three are still the four masters of Tianfumen, but now?

Now the three of them, when facing this young man, did not even have any power to fight back at all!

In front of Xiao Yu, these people had become Xiao Yu's stepping stones!

When Ming Gong saw this, his already pale face became paler.

Xiao Yu stepped forward and walked towards Father Ming. All the guards retreated far, and no one dared to stop Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's force and that kind of iron-blooded methods really made people feel a little scary.

They just follow orders to do things, they can't figure out how such a terrifying genius can be a traitor.

Furthermore, even if this young man is really a traitor, then who can stop him?

Xiao Yu's whole person was like a majestic general. Even though he was not very tall, the domineering and imposing manner displayed by his power had already shocked everyone on the entire wall.

That kind of youthful courage and courage who swayed Fang Qiu made everyone surrender.

Duke Ming tried his best to keep his heart calm, and he shouted angrily: " actually challenged the majesty of Tianfumen. Do you know that Tianfumen was established by the queen and the empress?"

Xiao Yu's expression was a little bit cold with murderous intent permeating. It was true that no pot was opened and which pot was lifted. The queen is now the master of the ghost gate, and this dog is still speaking for his master.

"Don't say that your Tianfu Gate was established by the queen, even if it was established by the king, as long as the calculation is over my head, the result will be the same!"

"As for you, since you are going to die for your master, then you must be prepared to die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yu's vitality and blood was located on the body of Father Ming, like a huge wave.


Duke Ming's pupils shrank, without a reaction from him, his chest seemed to have received some tens of thousands of kilograms of hammer, and the pressure of that kind of force caused his bones to be deformed.



Duke Ming knelt on the city wall on the spot, and his knees were like hard black iron, which directly smashed the city wall to pieces, and the knees that connected him were all broken.

Ming Gonggong was sweating profusely in pain and almost fainted.

In this scene, all the soldiers on the wall were stunned in place, as if frozen on their faces.


That was the most mysterious organization of the dynasty, and it was established by the queen. This father-in-law, in the royal family, was more than 10,000 people under one person.

It is said that Grandpa Ming’s strength ranks first in the capital, even the marshal of the dynasty is inferior to him.

But now?

The strength of the late stage of the virtual pill state, facing the young man in the early stage of the virtual pill stage, did not even have any power to fight back.

How terrible is this boy?

When they saw the breath escaping from the vitality, it seemed as if something was blocking the pores of their whole body. Not to mention breathing, it was completely petrified.

"You..." Duke Ming was about to fall in pain, but the secret humiliation in his heart made him feel a shocking blow.

"You are just a dog, and if you don't match me, I will point your fingers at me! I kept your dog's life, not because I am kind, but because you are just a dog!"

For Ming Gonggong, although he is not the mastermind, he is also deserved to be a tiger and abusive.

Ming Gonggong's face was blue and purple, and finally he became so angry that he finally passed out of blood and passed out.

"I said the last time, open! City! Gate!" The soldiers on Xiao Yu's city wall slammed down with a sound like a twilight bell.

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