Shura God Emperor

Chapter 873: Kill the palace (part 2)

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, his eyes became extremely cold, and said: "Father, aside the Queen's repeated design of killers to me, but she is the sect master of the ghost, she will definitely die!"

"What did you say?" Xiao Wencheng's face changed drastically.

"She is not just the sect master of the ghost gate, the king was killed by her ten years ago." Xiao Yu continued.

Xiao Wencheng seemed like a bolt from the blue, he was a generation of loyal ministers after all. This fact is a bit shocking, plus the weight of his monarch, he died for no reason?

How can he accept it?

Xiao Yu knew that Xiao Wencheng would not be able to accept it for a while, so he didn't intend to explain too much. The top priority now was to rush to the palace.

Xiao Yu glanced at Rhubarb and asked, "Rhubarb, what about Baoxuan Pavilion?"

He was actually worried about Pei Lin, the older sister who took care of Xiao Wencheng for herself while she was leaving the dynasty.

And he also knew that Palin had a hatred for the queen. If Palin were to go to the royal family at this moment, then it would definitely be more fortunate.

Rhubarb shook his head and said: "I was about to tell you that you have to go to the palace as soon as possible. She has been to the palace for an hour or two. I think she wants to take advantage of the chaos to take revenge."

Xiao Yu's expression changed.

Peelin probably knew Zhao Minghao's identity early in the morning, and her family was persecuted by the royal family. This time, if she used the ghost gate to attack the gap in the dynasty, she might recklessly commit suicide by herself.

But she may not know that the queen is the master of the ghost gate!

You know, after all, the impact of this incident is too great, I am afraid that Zhao Minghao will not be easily said by the Baoxuan Pavilion, even if Pei Lin is in a high enough position.

One more thing, if Palin knew that the queen was the master of the ghost gate, would she still go to die?

the answer is negative.

"Rhubarb, help me look at my dad!"

Xiao Yu left a sentence and went straight to the direction of the palace.

In the entire capital, the guards of the palace are of course the strongest, so outside the palace, the masters of the ghost gate are of course the most.

Outside the palace, the masters of the ghost and underworld sect saw this, and they all rushed towards Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu's face was cold, and he raised his hand to swing out the Seven Killing Sword, and then swung it out, a large swath of stars filled with stars. Smooth, Xiao Yu is a master who is determined to destroy these ghosts, so he has no intention of keeping his hands.

At this moment, under the flickering of a large sword light, the masters of these ghosts and ghosts were all killed.

The guards were startled when they saw Xiao Yu's appearance.

"He is... that genius boy from the Xiao family?"

"He actually returned to Beijing? Is he here to help?"

These guards were very pleasantly surprised, but what they didn't know was that Xiao Yu actually killed the queen.

Xiao Yu immediately felt the inside of the main hall. As soon as he entered, he noticed that there was a kind of dark cloud in the sky above the main hall, like a huge cloak covering it.

At the same time, a black tornado hurricane rushed directly into the dark clouds above the main hall, as if a huge vortex was constantly spinning, and spinning again, it seemed to swallow the entire dynasty.

"What a powerful breath!"

Xiao Yu's expression was very solemn, he was about to step in. At this moment, Xiao Yu's expression suddenly changed. He found many figures hundreds of meters in front of the hall.

"Sister Palin? Zhao Yi?"

Xiao Yu rushed over immediately, and fixed his eyes to see that it was Peilin and Zhao Yi and other people.

When he arrived, he found that all of them were badly injured.

"Sister Pei Lin, are you okay?" Xiao Yu immediately helped Pei Lin and found that Pei Lin's breath was weak, but there was no danger to her life.

He breathed a sigh of relief, Zhao Yi was the strongest, and of course he was not in danger of life. The other sect disciples died three or four.

At this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded——


I don't know when, a black figure stood in front of the door of the main hall, and the power of the corpse shrouded in it turned out to be stronger than any protector Xiao Yu had encountered.

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