Shura God Emperor

Chapter 882: Seven Star Sword Revealed

The black mist swarmed out, turned into dozens of ghostly giant hands, and sprayed out with an overwhelming gesture.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wherever these ghost hands went, all the space was distorted, vibrated, and the wind howled, and the ghost giant siblings covered a range of hundreds of meters, and it was enveloped.

That kind of imposing pressure is almost like destroying a town.

Xiao Yu was not afraid. He stepped forward, his black hair was dancing, his sleeves were hunting and hunting, and as Xiao Yu took a step, a windless sword aura spread out from his side.

At this time, he was no longer like a **** general from the wild, but more like a weak gentleman, that kind of chic and messy sword intent made him feel fierce.

This was the most powerful enemy Xiao Yu encountered in the Chenbei Dynasty, and he was also the person he had always wanted to kill. This person must never be let go.

As Xiao Yu stepped forward step by step, the giant palm that had enveloped him was less than ten meters in front of Xiao Yu, all of which was destroyed by the silent sword intent.

When Palin saw this scene, her face was shocked.

It's terrible, how exactly is this sword technique, what kind of sword intent is it?

That kind of invisible sword intent, ordinary people can't snoop at all, even in the eyes of outsiders, this is simply a kind of silent destruction!

The queen's complexion finally changed drastically, her palms, when she was constantly blasting forward, she was constantly wiped out by Xiao Yu's invisible sword intent, and she couldn't move forward at all. !

Xiao Yu's eyes were cold, he didn't mean to stop at all, and he kept moving closer to the front.

"Xiao Yu, it seems that you have to fight against me, aren't you afraid of death!?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were piercing, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring: "Don't you think there is still a way to turn back now? What do you do with these nonsense? Today is either you or me!"

The queen was furious and didn't talk nonsense. She waved her hands and said with a grin: "What an arrogant kid, you don't even know how long I have waited for this day, so you can taste the despair!"

From the queen's lower body, a large sea of ​​blood and corpses suddenly surged out. This scene is exactly the same as when facing "Guna" in the Xisha Region.

However, the **** sea of ​​corpses spurred by the queen is even more terrifying.

The surging of that kind of blood not only increased, from one hundred meters to five hundred meters, knowing that it covered the entire palace!

Xiao Yu's face was stunned, he fought Pei Lin and he was on the highest palace, because the sea of ​​blood and corpses had already covered the entire palace at this time! That height is actually twenty to thirty meters!

The ocean of blood, filled with a gloomy chill, and the feeling of black clouds covering the entire sky, it was like the end of the world.

At this time, the queen was standing on a prancing blood wave, looking at Xiao Yu not far away from a height of 100 meters.

The queen's long hair was fluttering, her face was pale and gloomy, and her black robe evoked a dance-only posture.

"Blood Sea Ghost Scroll!"

As soon as the queen's voice fell, she waved her sleeves, and immediately after Xue Haili below, a huge blood wave of 100 meters was swept in an instant, and she swept towards Xiao Yu in a rotating posture.

"You stay here, don't go."

Xiao Yu left a word and went out, Peilin's face changed drastically, but it was too late for her to stop.

Xiao Yu didn't know how to fly, and the blood of the corpses was full of swallowing and corrosive power, but Xiao Yu rushed out in the air with the help of the explosion of the Heavenly Destruction Divine Flash Art.

If you look closely, you can find that Xiao Yu's eyes revealed a bright light.


The Seven Star Sword was trembling violently, and the general brilliance of the sword surged with immense power and sword intent.

"Xing Taoyue!"

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