Shura God Emperor

Chapter 884: cause and effect

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed, Prince? Isn't he a wanted criminal? Isn't he dead?

Why can I still appear here now?

Zhao Minghao came here, and when he saw the queen, his face trembled with anger.

The queen seemed to recognize Zhao Minghao.

At this time, Zhao Minghao had already taken off his face and restored his original appearance.

How could the queen forget this face.

"So it was you." The queen smiled sadly.

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

Zhao Minghao said angrily: "You have this day, it is the result of your own sin!"

The queen spit out blood and smiled: "Zhao Minghao, do you think I really couldn't kill you back then?"

"What do you mean by that?" Zhao Minghao asked with a slight change of expression.

The queen sneered and said: "At the beginning, I saw that you had been abolished by me, so I let you go. Do you really think I don't know what you have done on my back over the years? The reason why Baoxuan Pavilion did it It's so big, it's all because I opened one eye and closed one eye, otherwise you won't be dead at all now!"

Zhao Minghao's expression changed suddenly. In other words, the queen knew that Zhao Minghao and Baoxuan Pavilion wanted revenge secretly.

It's just that the queen is too strong, so strong that they don't even look at them.

"It's a pity..."

The queen laughed miserably and said: "Unfortunately, I still miscalculated. If I killed you at the beginning, there might be no Baoxuan Pavilion, maybe you wouldn't find this kid..."

Xiao Yu stared coldly at the dying queen.

Everything is a causal cycle, who can make it clear.

When the people around saw this scene, their expressions moved.

Although they don't know what happened during this period, they can undoubtedly be sure that this queen is not a good person.

Maybe the ghost door thing was initiated by her...

Soon the queen's eyes turned into a blood red, and a kind of extremely terrifying energy fluctuations spread out.

Xiao Yu's expression changed, and he immediately pulled Zhao Minghao back one hundred meters.

A **** light leaped out of the queen's mind, and then flew quickly towards the sky level.


The queen grinned three times again. She looked at Xiao Yu in the distance and said sternly: "Boy, our ghost gate will never die. If you kill me today, you will suffer tens of thousands of times in the future. Long live the door..."

As soon as the voice fell, a buzzing sound rang from the queen's mind, Xiao Yu's expression changed drastically, and immediately he shouted, "Everyone, hide away!"

He took Zhao Minghao and swiftly ran away towards the distance. The other people, because they were leaning farther away, at the moment they heard Xiao Yu's roar, they turned around and fled as if they were being pushed by something.



With the queen's body as the center, a terrifying coercive energy suddenly burst out, and then it exploded.

The **** explosion energy spread out to extremes, and the range spread from one hundred meters, to five hundred meters, to kilometers.


Those who could not escape and were weak in strength, all died in the self-detonation of the power of the corpse. After Xiao Yu's Heavenly Destruction God Flash Art was mobilized to the extreme, he was also subjected to powerful fluctuations and was shaken to 100 meters. Away.

When he looked back, his face was a little pale.

The palace of hundreds of meters has been razed to the ground, and even within a kilometer, all the buildings have been turned into rubble. The masters and the army just now killed tens of thousands of people in the blew.

Fortunately, Xiao Yu has experience and reacted in a timely manner. Otherwise, even if he did not die, he would be seriously injured if he blew himself up just now!

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