Shura God Emperor

Chapter 890: The blessing lies on

Bai Jing's face was a little unbelievable, and asked: "Nothing happened? How could it be?"

Xiao Yu nodded. This was the result of his urging his heart and soul to sense this piece of soul jade slip.

Because the soul jade slip has a trace of consciousness of its owner, it is also a jade slip that represents a kind of life.

At that time, Xiao Yu clearly sensed that this piece of soul jade slip did not fluctuate much at all, it was always so peaceful.

"I'm thinking about a question, will Miss Xin Rui leave by herself?" Xiao Yu said in a deep voice.

Yes, only this possibility can explain that Lan Xinrui's soul Yujian will be so calm and not fluctuating, which also explains why Lan Xinrui has not returned.

"But even if Xin Rui leaves, she should come back and talk to me?" Bai Jing said.

Xiao Yu nodded, he also thought of this.

According to reason, Lan Xinrui would not be so unexplained.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu's heart moved, and his brow furrowed, as if thinking of other possibilities.

"Could it be that Miss Xinrui was taken away without realizing it? And maybe only the Master Formation Master can do this."

Bai Jing's face changed slightly, yes, he also agreed with Xiao Yu's view.

Both of them were plunged into contemplation, because this idea was the most consistent with their guess now.

Only a powerful master of formation can interfere with Lan Xinrui's soul without knowing it, and take her away.

And this person is not hostile to Lan Xinrui, otherwise the soul jade slip would have been fluctuating or broken.

"Master Bai, Xinrui's disappearance may not be a bad thing, maybe it's a good thing, maybe it's a chance for Xinrui girl, and I also think that if you continue to stay here, Xinrui's cultivation will stagnate." Xiao Yu said.

Bai Jing took a deep breath, and he finally gave a wry smile, and said: "You are right, misfortune and blessing depend on, Xinrui is a rare talent in formation, and continues to stay in the dynasty, although It can make progress, but the gains are very small. Maybe it will be a blessing in disguise this time."

"Xiao Yu, I also know that your ambition is not here. With your current formation talent, you definitely have a chance to enter the sect. Ay, it's a pity that you didn't go with the senior brother." Bai Jing sighed.

The brother in his mouth was indeed Tang Fan, who had been to the Dynasty to host the Array Mage Conference.

Xiao Yu's heart moved, and he suddenly asked, "By the way, Master Bai, is the sect where Senior Tang Fan is located? What kind of structure does the sect world look like?"

Bai Jing glanced at Xiao Yu in surprise, and said, "I thought you were going to the sect world, you know this."

Xiao Yu shook his head. He really didn't know this.

At that time, when he was in the dynasty, he was weak, and Rhubarb didn't tell him too much in order not to interfere with his cultivation.

After all, they are not people in this sect world, and they don't know the specific situation and division of forces.

Bai Jing shook her head slightly and said, "To be honest, I don't know."

"Huh?" Xiao Yu was stunned, thinking that Senior Tang Fan isn't your brother? Why don't you know?

Bai Jing smiled awkwardly, and said: "In fact, it was like this. When I was young, my soul talent was pretty good. I went out for a tour and was taken back to the sect by my senior."

Immediately he smiled bitterly: "But I was taken back to the sect as a named disciple, not even the outer sect, so my job is to portray the formation for the senior brother, and my training for the formation is also passed to me Yes, afterwards there were too many capable people in the sect, so I couldn't come back to the dynasty."

Xiao Yu nodded, thinking that he could only go back and ask Rhubarb.


"But what?"

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