Shura God Emperor

Chapter 893: Black Cliff World

Seeing Wu Chen like this, Xiao Yu's heart moved, and he also put away his smile.

Wu Chen solemnly said: "I know you are going to the sect world, but you must be careful of the people of the Black Cliff Sect."

"Black Cliff Sect? One of the seven sects in the world?" Xiao Yu asked suspiciously.

Wu Chen wondered: "No, you don't know the Seven Sects?"

Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "I don't know, I only know the Thirty-Six Small Heaven World, where we are located is the lower plane of Zongmen World."

Immediately he said strangely: "You said this Black Cliff Sect is not one of the seven sects, is it other sects?"

There are seven major sects in the sect world, but it is a large low-level plane. I think there must be more than so few sects, and there must be some small and medium sects.

Wu Chen nodded, then shook his head again, regaining dignity, and said: "There are indeed many other small and medium sects in the sect world, but this Black Cliff Sect is one of the 36 small worlds, and Heiya Zong is the only sect on the plane of Black Cliff World."

It was Xiao Yu's turn to be surprised, the Black Cliff Sect was not in their world?


He stared at Wu Chen, as if thinking of something, and said: "Are you going to tell me that you are from this plane or are you from the Black Cliff Sect?"


Xiao Yu was taken aback. He thought that Wu Chen was not a member of the dynasty, but he did not expect Wu Chen to come from such a big background!

Rhubarb and him said that there are barriers between each plane of the 36 Xiaotian world, and it is not so easy to get in and out, otherwise the 36 Xiaotian world will be in chaos?

You must know that every world, or every dimension, is very large and has its own rules of survival. It does not interfere with each other and checks and balances each other. This is also a well-established model.

Wu Chen said solemnly: "You have to listen clearly to what I'm saying next."

Xiao Yu nodded, accompanied by Wu Chen's expression.

It must be a very important thing for Wu Chen to come here so far to wait for herself.

"Thirty-six little worlds, each world cannot penetrate each other, but what they don't know is that the Black Cliff World where the Black Cliff Sect is located was discovered by the people of the Black Cliff Sect hundreds of years ago. A crack in space."

"You mean space cracks?"

Xiao Yu was shocked. The cracks in this space were said to be full of spatial turbulence. In ordinary spaces, ordinary people could not tear them apart.

"Yes, it is this space crack that allows some people from the Black Cliff Sect to enter and leave the sect world. I also came out at that time, and then I came here to take root. And what I want to tell you is that the ghost gate is also People from the Black Cliff Sect came here to establish martial arts."

Xiao Yu's expression suddenly changed, and he exclaimed: "You mean, you are all from the Black Cliff Sect? How is this possible?"

"No, your cultivation technique breath... and rank..." The more Xiao Yu thinks about it, the more it feels wrong, the more he thinks about it, the more it feels like this.

Yes, from the time he met the first person in the Guiming Sect, he felt that the cultivation aura of such people in the Guiming Sect was extremely unusual.

The so-called unusual is that the level of the exercise is very high, and it feels like it is not the level of the public such as the dynasty.

One more thing, when he first came to the Southern Territory Black Market, the people there also told him that the black market was a very powerful force, and after contacting Wuchen, Xiao Yu also discovered that Wuchen’s aura is indeed very strong. Horror.

That kind of feeling, as if it wasn't the dynasty's practice, at that time he thought it might come from the sect.

Thinking about it now, the practice Wuchen possesses is really similar to that of Guimingmen!

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