Shura God Emperor

Chapter 900: Secular Family (Part 2)

However, that person and dog, as if nothing happened, was still walking on their own.

At this moment's time, Xiao Yu suddenly stopped, and then turned around with a whip kick and threw it up.

The golden light flashed, and the sound of explosion came from the air, and the Tian Beng Shen flash tactic was brewing, and one kick was thrown on the young man's fist.



With a scream, the young man's fist was completely shattered, Xiao Yu kicked out one again, and the young man's chest sank directly, his whole body flew upside down for several meters, directly vomiting blood.

At this moment, a figure walked over. This man had a pale face, an eighteen-year-old appearance, the type that a handsome teenager liked.

By his side, there were 20 or 30 people coming in a cluster, everyone was not weak in strength, each walked proudly, with his head high.

"Who am I, I turned out to be the prince of the Jinling Dynasty, but your strength is too weak, and you want to come to the early stage of the virtual pill realm? I am crazy about dreams."


This young man was speaking to the young man on the ground. The latter's face turned blue and purple, and then he became angry and fainted.

Xiao Yu frowned slightly. He had heard of this Jinling dynasty. The overall strength of the entire dynasty was much weaker than that of the Chenbei dynasty. He didn't expect this person to be the prince of that dynasty.

He also generally understood that the Chenbei Dynasty was ranked in the top ten on the plane of Zongmen World.

To a large extent, all of this was entrusted to the Zhao family prince and Zhao Xin's blessing, which allowed the overall strength of the Chenbei Dynasty to rise so quickly.

When everyone saw this boy, they were slightly surprised.

"Should this person belong to the Xi family among the three secular families in the sect world?"

"It should be. The Xi family is a secular family that does not depend on the dynasty. Looking at their dress, this person should be Xi Zhiyou."

"Xi Zhiyou? That super genius in the secular world?"

After listening, everyone was slightly in awe.

The secular world is in this plane, except for the name of the sect world, of course it is a dynasty. Strictly speaking, the Zhao family of the Chenbei Dynasty is also a member of the secular family.

Of course, the sect world is the name of a plane of the Thirty-Six Xiaotian World. This secular world is just the name of all dynasties as a whole, and it is an inclusive relationship.

However, this Xi family is very famous in the secular world.

"The secular families are already very powerful! I heard that they are still related to certain sects, and they can even compete with some small and medium sects. How can they come to grab the quota of these seven sects with us?"

Some people seem both puzzled and not angry.

The three secular families are very powerful. They are self-reliant, and their strength can compete with some small and medium sects. This is competing with them for this assessment. Isn't this not giving them a way to survive?

"What do you know? Although the secular family is powerful, it is also related to the sect, but in terms of resources and background, it is of course impossible to compare with the seven sects!"

In this way, everyone seemed to understand, of course, the look they saw at Xi Zhiyou at this time was a kind of hostility.

Since the secular family, the point itself is higher than them, and now they are still grabbing, isn't it possible to rush to the inner disciple?

Feeling the jealous gaze of the people around him passing through him, Xi Zhiyou seemed to enjoy it very much.

Of course Xiao Yu also heard the discussion from the people around him. He just took one more look at this person, Xi Zhiyou, and immediately planned to leave this place of right and wrong.

There is a saying, sometimes you don’t ask for trouble, but invisibly, the trouble has already entangled you.

Xi Zhiyou glanced at Xiao Yu and said faintly: "I didn't expect that in the secular dynasty, there could be a more decent and a little courageous. I admire you. Why not join me?"

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