Shura God Emperor

Chapter 905: The Seven Deadly Sins (above)

The little second of the shop gave Xiao Yu a surprised look, and immediately looked at it.

Of course, the young men and women who came to Changling Town rushed to the seven sects for assessment, but this young man didn't even know the seven sects?

Xiao Yu knocked on the table and said, "I have been cultivating deep in the mountains, so I don't know much about the sect."

Xiao Er nodded, admiring Xiao Yu's courage in his heart, and ran over to ask for an assessment without knowing anything. When he died, he would not know what was going on.

"Presumably the Pike official also knows that this assessment is a joint assessment of the seven sects. The younger one only knows that there are many dangers inside, and the smaller ones don’t know the specific assessment. But the younger one knows that although the seven sects are jointly assessed, the choices are different. The difficulty of the sect will be different."

Xiao Yu asked curiously: "You mean you chose it yourself?"

Xiao Er nodded, but shook his head again, and said: "At the beginning, everyone was assessed together, but not later."

Xiao Yu seemed to understand how much, and immediately asked, "So what about the seven sects? Which seven are they?"

There are many small and medium sects in the sect world, and Xiao Yu is still not sure whether the Magic Moon Sect where Zhao Xin is located, and the Purple Spirit Sect where Tang Fan is located are counted as seven sects.

Xiao Er thought for a while and said, "If it was 30 years ago, it would be good to say that it was the joint assessment of the seven sects, but now, it is also possible to say that the assessment of the six sects was."


"Keguan, you are not from Changling Town. You don’t know. Thirty years ago, the seven sects were in the first place. It was called Xiaoyao Sect. This sect has been passed down for thousands of years. Although the seven sects are not clearly stated, all They are all headed by Xiaoyaomen, which has been the case for so many years."

Xiao Erxian of the shop seemed a little puzzled and said: "You may not know the guest officer. The decline of a family can be thousands of years, or a hundred years, and then gradually wither, but the decline of a sect can be overnight."

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoer Dian suddenly sighed: "I don't know what happened later, this Xiaoyao Sect has fallen, and then the Clear Sky Sect has surpassed all the sects in a short period of 30 years. Now the overall strength, The most capable children are this Haotian School. This Xiaoyao Sect, if it were not supported by the prestige of the ancestor, this Xiaoyao Sect would have been reduced to a second-rate sect."

"Xiaoyao Sect, Haotian School?" Xiao Yu silently noted, "What else?"

Xiao Er continued: "The second place is the Magic Moon Sect. The Magic Moon Sect is a veteran sect. It is considered to be the longest established sect. They have not competed or grabbed it. It is relatively low-key. Then there is the Purple Spirit Sect. , Baiyugu, Xuanjian Pavilion, and Fengshimen. These sects have their own strengths and are basically comparable. It can be said that among the hundreds of sects in the world of sects, they can be called the seven major sects. It is definitely not to be underestimated."

Xiao Yu nodded secretly in his heart, the Magic Moon Sect and this Purple Spirit Sect were really one of the seven major sects.

He remembered all the sects and asked again: "What is the difference between these sects?"

Now that you know the seven sects, you need to know their differences and characteristics so that you can make better choices.

Xiao Er from the shop said: "In terms of characteristics, the Purple Spirit Sect is a master of formations. Most of the people are masters of formations. Their mountain guards are known as the strongest defense in the world. They are a neutral sect and many sects. It's all related."

"Then the Clear Sky School, the reason why the Clear Sky School is the strongest is that the inner gates, or true disciples in the Clear Sky School are all weapon **** patterns. This is why the weapon **** pattern practitioners are favored by the Clear Sky School. ."

"And in this White Jade Valley, the entire sect is full of women, each of them has a national beauty, icy muscles and bones, and the sect master of this White Jade Valley is at least fifty years old, but his appearance is as old as twenty or thirty. Undoubtedly, Tsk Tsk, and ah, I heard that many geniuses from the sect will take the initiative to seek Taoist Shuangxiu." Xiao Er smiled, his eyes a little greedy.

When Xiao Yu heard this, he couldn't help but yearn for the world of the sect even more.

At the same time, he was secretly surprised that these sects really have their own characteristics!

However, there are no surprises in the vast world. Anything they can't touch or understand is just a limited understanding of them.

"What about others?" Xiao Yu knocked on the table, making Xiao Er come back to his senses.

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