Shura God Emperor

Chapter 943: Rule change (below)

Everyone was surprised, they all listened quietly.

Wu Zhen's voice continued: "And I showed up to tell you one thing, the final stone platform assessment has undergone a change."

Suddenly, everyone exclaimed.

"Change rules? No wonder Shitai did not respond!"

It turns out that the rules have changed. The six people on the stone platform are all unknown. Of course, they have no intention of coming down.

Wu Zhendao: "The rule of change is that the first six people to reach the stone platform will maintain the original assessment. Of course, the difficulty of the assessment is directly to become the assessment of the true disciple. If it fails, it will automatically become the sect of your choice. Inner disciple."

This rule has greatly changed the complexion of many people.

Some of the irritable examiners said angrily: "This is not fair! Why is the first to reach Shitai to pass the real disciple examination directly!"

"Yes, then what about us? Didn't we take away the opportunity?"

"Yeah! Isn't this partial?"

Almost everyone was booing, and they felt unjustified for themselves.


Suddenly, Wu Zhen let out a cold snort, and the shocking and invisible suppression fluctuations were immediately enveloped, and everyone stopped talking.

"Strength, talent, wisdom, and desire are a comprehensive manifestation of measuring a true disciple. If you really care about this assessment, why not try your best to come to Shitai first!?"

"Also, the one who came to Shitai for the first time just proved a kind of strength? Ask yourself, if you are one-on-one with them, who dare to say that you can defeat them!"

Wu Zhen's violent shout caused all the children to shut up.

Xiao Yu also agreed with Wu Zhen's words.

Indeed, the six people on the stone platform are all in the real pill realm, and they are almost the strongest among these examiners, which in itself needless to say.

But from another perspective, for those who have not gone to the stone platform and rushed here, it is indeed a bit deprived of opportunity.

Wu Zhen's voice immediately relaxed and said, "Of course the change in the rules does not mean that you will not have the opportunity. For the remaining examiners, I will take you to another small space for the evaluation of the inner disciples. Similarly, Those who fail will directly become outer disciples."

With that said, many people are also a little relieved. This is fair, but one of the young geniuses in the real pill realm stepped up and said in a deep voice: "Senior, I think it is still unfair, and I think I have Ability to try the assessment of this true disciple."

Yes, those masters of the Real Pill Realm are actually not much different from some people on the stage, and they also have the opportunity to compete with this true disciple.

But on the other hand, Xiao Yu also saw that the number of this true disciple was really very small, and it was very difficult!

Wu Zhen said coldly: "There is no such thing as fairness or unfairness. As I just said, you are not the first to arrive. This is your own care! Is it possible to ask the seven sects to be responsible for your contempt? You can't enter the true disciple of the sect. With your attitude alone, the true disciple of the sect cannot accommodate you!"

The expert in the Real Pill Realm was so blushing that he couldn't refute a word.

The other people were even more stunned, and did not dare to breathe.

This Wu Zhen spoke as if the Ten Great Mountains were suppressed. Who would dare to refute?

To refute it again, maybe even the opportunity for inner disciples was lost.

Suddenly, Wu Zhen said: "Don't blame me for not reminding you that those who want to conduct the appraisal of true disciples actually still have a chance."

In an instant, the faces of all the remaining examiners instantly became weird.


Everyone's eyes fell on the stone platform of Xiaoyaomen at the same time...

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