Shura God Emperor

Chapter 980: What is Tao

Entering the library of books, there are many shelves inside, Xiao Yu just picked up a few books and flipped through them.

"Sanming Jing", "Sweeping Smart Jue", "Eight Desolate Heart Mantra"...

Xiao Yu flipped through a few books so casually, his heart became more and more dumbfounded, what are these?

The so-called Cangshu Pavilion is actually just some documents?

This made Xiao Yu feel very surprised, and at the same time his face was very strange.

Because of the Xiao family since he was young, Xiao Yu has also learned a lot of books, but these must be very weak.

Just take out a copy here, that kind of obscure text, enough to make Xiao Yu ponder for a long time.


Xiao Yu's heart moved, and his face was slightly moved. What he was holding was an ancient book called "Caifeng Jue". The first sentence was--

If the town is unnamed, the husband will have no desires...

When Xiao Yu was meditating silently, his mind was constantly pondering, and before he knew it, there was a slight change in his body.


This change is that as he muttered these words silently, his body surface unconsciously absorbed the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth, and immediately circulated in his body with a very complicated circuit.

The spiritual power between heaven and earth contains multiple attributes and is mixed. It is impossible for ordinary people to directly absorb and then use this spiritual power.

Gongfa is to absorb this heaven and earth spiritual power, and then transform it into pure spiritual power that can be supplied to itself and stored.

Because of the different methods of each exercise, the route of operation is different.

Precisely because of this, there will be different exercises, and the spiritual powers refined are different.

It is precisely because of this that almost everyone will pursue higher-level exercises.

But now, these ancient books in Xiao Yu's hands actually have the power of the exercises in them!

What made him even more strange was that the spiritual power produced by these ancient books was different from ordinary exercises.

He couldn't help looking at Yin Bai, who also smiled slightly and said, "Have you finally found out?"

"Brother, these are the techniques of this school?" Xiao Yu asked.

Yin Bai nodded, but shook his head again, and said, "You can say yes or you can say no."

"I don't understand."

"These essays were written by the ancestors of the Xiaoyao School, and they are their lifelong practice experience, so when you read the books, you can also treat them as exercises, because they are helpful for us to understand the Tao."

Xiao Yu felt stunned.

The road to cultivation is to find one's own "Tao". Everyone's Dao is different. Almost all cultivators have pursued a supreme realm throughout their lives, and this realm is the Tao.

Xiao Yu didn't really understand these things, and only occasionally told him after chatting with Da Huang.

In this way, this library is a treasure house!

Imagine that there are so many predecessors’ insights on Taoism, as well as that kind of cultivation experience. If you have been here for enlightenment, wouldn’t it have benefited a lot?

Yin Bai directly shook his head and said, "Junior Brother, you think too simple. Dao is a lifelong pursuit. It is true that there are not many people in the huge nine-day world."

Soon he glanced at the old man who was still looking at the ancient book.

Xiao Yu was silent immediately.

Yes, the world is so big, even some powerful people have been pursuing this so-called "Tao" all their lives, let alone being so young?

Yin Bai smiled and comforted and said, "You don’t have to be discouraged. I just said that everyone’s way is different. The best way for you is the best. These ancient books, because they bring together the wisdom and experience of the ancestors, can only give us To provide assistance, the real way is to be stepped on by yourself step by step."

"If Tao is really so easy to pursue, then we still need to forget about sleep and food, or even practice day and night for what to do?"

Xiao Yu's heart moved as if he was touched by something.

"Brother, I know."

Yin Bai nodded and said, "Come, go here."

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