Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1012: 0 Animal Feast

At this time Wang Ziyu happened to come in from the outside, and everyone was sullen, because mentioning that eating and being linked to Wang Ziyu always made people feel horrified.

Wang Ziyu silently poisoned a dragon in the realm of God, which in everyone's eyes was a nightmare.

While standing with Wang Ziyu, even everyone dare not get out of the atmosphere and even feel a little difficult to breathe. After all, I don't know if the breath I took in is poisonous.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like this? Am I your enemy? Are you worried about poisoning you?" Wang Ziyu's face appeared inexplicable, and she looked at everyone speechless.

Everyone look at me, I look at you, and there is a helpless look on his face.

They also knew that Wang Ziyu would never poison his relatives, friends, brothers and sisters, but his heart could not restrain his fear.

After all, a real dragon with a real **** realm was poisoned to death. This kind of shock is still indigestible for a while.

"Sister-in-law, I think we should invite those who were in Yuan Yuan's life together, as well as those recovering strongmen." Ye Tianxing looked at Wang Ziqiong and said.

When Pei Junlin is away, they have to ask Wang Qiong for everything, which means respect for Pei Junlin.

"It should be, and also the elders of the nine Supreme Family, please come together, this time they are all out of their lives, and it is very hard." Wang Ziqiong was finalized.

I heard that the elders of the Nine Supreme Family were also invited. Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei, Yuan Fei's face changed, and the small faces became crumpled.

"What's the matter with you? Wouldn't it be good for your uncles and uncles to come to drink and eat meat together?" Of course Wang Ziyu knew what these people were thinking, but still asked with a smirk.

"I know you still ask, old men, hard like Mao Keng's stones, how can we communicate with our young people? With them there, drinking is not fragrant, but meat is tasteless." Pang Yue stood up and shook his head.

At this time, the Lingyun boat suddenly swayed and seemed to be hit by a strong air current, making the flying boat unable to stabilize its figure.

Everyone was a little surprised, not knowing what was happening outside, and went out of the cabin to the deck. Everyone who came to the deck stood and was attracted by a wonder in the sky.

There is a place where Pei Junlin is breaking through. A huge Taiji gossip pattern looms beneath Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin sits in the air and floats up and down.

The huge movement just now should be the fluctuations from the Taiji gossip map under Pei Junlin's bottom.

The constant rotation of the Taiji Eight Diagrams seems to evacuate all the spirits of heaven and earth within a few hundred miles.

Everyone can feel that Pei Junlin is like a huge vortex, sweeping all the aura around him towards his body. Even those deceased demon corpses began to decompose automatically, and turned into countless flesh essences directly towards Pei Junlin.

"Oh my god, this demon race of the Yin God Realm, the body is equivalent to how many panacea magic medicines?" Yang Xuejiao sighed.

Everyone nodded again and again, and the dead bodies of the demon clan in the entire Jinling City could not count more than a hundred heads, and all of them were powerful in the realm of Yin God.

Although they died, the essence contained in the flesh is still there. Their flesh-and-blood spirit was like a torrent, directly absorbed by the Taiji Eight Diagrams diagram, and was continuously input into Pei Junlin's body.

"Boss Pei really deserves to be our boss, the breakthrough movement is so big. You said that after this breakthrough, can a person kill a hundred demon clan?" Everyone issued their own guesses.

"Wow, look at that, the Chaos Golden Fight has taken away all the storage bags and storage rings, but there are treasures in it." Xia Houping also yelled at this scene.

Everyone looked at Pei Junlin and the Chaos Golden Fight with dumbfounded eyes. The behavior of the two masters and one servant made people feel collapsed.

"I suspect that Chaos Jindou will also be promoted together with our boss Pei, and he may also increase his power this time." Li Tianpei's baseless speculation.

But it was this unfounded speculation that made everyone nod in deep thought.

"Hey, we finally caught up with the boss's footsteps. I didn't expect the boss to break through again this time. When will it be possible for the boss to sit on the same level as the boss and fight side by side?" Pang Yue showed a helpless look at this time.

"Haha, chase what chase, if you catch up with Boss Pei, wouldn't it be called Boss Pang." Ye Tianxing pouted and gave Pang Yue a burst of white.

Someone laughed heartily, and the battle with the demon race was a complete victory this time, and it also wiped out the decadent emotions among the people.

The crowd gathered together again, and Pei Junlin was about to break through, which could be described as a double happiness, so the mood of the crowd at this time could not be described as cheerful.

"Yuan Old Fairy is here." I don't know who shouted in the crowd.

After hearing the news, everyone immediately showed a sense of awe, and they all gave way. The old fairy Yuan Ping quickly boarded the flying boat. He looked around everyone's eyes and showed satisfaction.

"The battle between our human race and the demon race this time, the reason why we can win a great victory, Pei Junlin is at the forefront. Every one of us, the rest, also tried our best." Teacher Yuan is now loudly speaking there, saying The words are deafening and deafening.

Everyone heard hard work and fierce enthusiasm, and one by one clenched their fists. They seemed to want to fight with the demon again.

"However, you must remember that this victory is only temporary, and the deterrence of the demon clan is only temporary. The next step is expected to have a stronger counterattack. You must all have a psychological preparation." Teacher Yuan Ping saw The crowd said.

Everyone showed a solemn look on their faces, but they were the strong ones who recovered, and there was not too much fear on their faces. Perhaps they had experienced numbness after the ancient war.

"I don't think our human races need to grow others' ambitions and extinguish their prestige. This time there will definitely be a lot of powerful people on the earth." There is a recovery strong who stands next to the elder fairy to preach to everyone.

After hearing this news, everyone's faces showed a happy look, because the stronger the power of the human race, it means that the arrogance of the demon race will not be too arrogant.

At this time, there was a deafening laughter in everyone's ears, and then a whirlwind was rushing towards the sky, even the clouds in the sky were broken.

Pei Jun Lin Yang Tian Chang Xiao, fluttering hair flying, a pair of eyes flashing light golden light, he was like a demon.

"It's a powerful breath." There were shocked expressions on the faces of the strong men who recovered.

Pei Junlin has just stepped onto the realm of Yang God, and instantly gave birth to the Five Great Gods. Now he has reached the realm of Yangshen and mastered the ability to separate the law and travel the world.

Yuanshen can operate independently without following the flesh, that is to say, Pei Junlin now has five Yuanshen plus himself, and can act in six points, and each Yuanshen can represent his thoughts.

Every message that Yuan Yuan sees will be transmitted to Pei Junlin. If Bae Jun is going to search for treasures in those ancient ruins, it is equivalent to one person, becoming six people, and six people can find six chances by walking separately.

"Alas, the boss is so strong, one person has five primordial spirits." Pharaoh's envious Harazi will come out.

Pei Junlin had just made a breakthrough, refreshed and refreshed, and came to the deck in one step.

He nodded to everyone and glanced at everyone. In fact, some newly recovered powerful Pei Junlin did not know them, but it did not prevent them from releasing goodwill.

At the most dangerous time, the recovery powers of these human races actively joined the team against the demon clan, which shows that these ancient recovery powers still stand on the side of the planet in their hearts.

Because of these, Pei Junlin expressed great respect.

"Boss Pei, to celebrate our victory this time, we proposed and agreed with the sister-in-law to hold a grand banquet. Are you against this?" Ye Tianxing stood up and looked at Pei Junlin with a smile.

Pei Junlin nodded and said without hesitation: "It is a matter of course to celebrate the feast. Drinking a big drink and eating meat in a big bowl will celebrate the whole world."

For three consecutive days, the entire ship became a carnival place. People from all walks of life gathered here to gather and talk about some future ideas.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Pei Junlin also met a lot of powerful people who recovered in ancient times.

But Pei Junlin's time is very tight, and he can't go on with such unlimited carnival. There is some time to settle down and consolidate his realm, and there are still many things to wait for him to do.

Like Pei Junlin, whether it is the elder fairy or Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei's best friends, they also need to have their own time and space to deal with some things.

Three days later, the carnival had passed, and everyone said goodbye. Only Pei Junlin, Wang Ziyu and Wang Ziqiong were left on the whole ship.

"Brother-in-law, am I here to hinder you and my sister?" Wang Ziyu smiled at Pei Junlin with his mouth closed.

I thought that Pei Junlin would definitely deny it. No one knew that Pei Junlin nodded very seriously: "You know, just because my sister and I haven't seen you for such a long time, we naturally need to do something we love."

Hearing Pei Junlin's answer, Wang Qiong's face suddenly raised two groups of red clouds ~ ~ Wang Ziyu beside him looked at Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong with a smile, and took their arms. The two pushed together and jumped off the ship as soon as they turned around.

Where Wang Ziyu is going, Pei Junlin doesn't need to ask, this girl is clever and smart, no matter where she goes.

"Why did you just talk like that? Do you know how to teach bad children?" Wang Ziqiong couldn't hold his face, and twisted Pei Junlin hard.

Pei Junlin pretended to be hurt, and held Wang Ziqiong in his arms. The two did not meet for a long time, and there was much to say.

"He's not a child, he doesn't understand anything." Pei Junlin said indifferently.

Perhaps it was helpless to Pei Junlin, perhaps it felt that Pei Junlin made sense, Wang Ziqiong did not mention this matter again, but just embraced Pei Junlin's tiger's waist with his hands, and his face closed on Pei Jun's chest and closed his eyes.

The two held nothing but held each other, listening to each other's breath and heartbeat, and looking at Yunxia in the sky, their expression became extremely comfortable.

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